
Developing the BRICS currency » » Developing the BRICS currency

Date: March 31, 2023

BRICS Group Works On A New Form Of Currency, looking At Basing Financial Reserves On A Basket Of Their Own Currencies.
State Duma Deputy Chairman Alexander Babakov said Thursday the BRICS alliance is actively engaged in developing its own currency and is set to present its proposals at the upcoming summit in August.
Putin suggested a new global reserve currency backed by hard assets and BRICS countries accumulated a great amount of gold.

First Manned Flying Car

Japanese company successfully tested a manned flying car for the first time.
Sky Drive Inc., a Toyota-backed start-up with a mission for developing flying cars, has conducted the public demonstration on August 25, manned test flight of one its aerial vehicles after years of work. The SD-03, with its glossy white exteriors and sleek aerodynamic body, flew around Toyota Test Field, showing the world that such a thing as flying cars can exist beyond fantasy and fiction.

Quantum Space Force

The use of quantum computing, communication, and control could profoundly tip the scales in this next chapter of the space race.
Quantum encryption presents the most enticing hope of a massive security advantage with regard to satellites in space, allowing for the highest level of security possible.
The use of quantum encryption would theoretically prevent hackers from cracking codes and other forms of espionage, military or otherwise. Quantum computing could allow for an exponential military advantage in space.
Satellites equipped with quantum capabilities would enable offensive tactics like surveillance and reconnaissance to be done with greater speed, accuracy, and security than ever before.

China is emerging as IMF competitor

China gave tens of billions in secretive 'emergency loans' to vulnerable nations, emerging as world's major creditor and IMF competitor.
China has shelled out tens of billions in opaque 'emergency loans' for at-risk nations, indicating a shift to providing short-term emergency lending rather than longer-term infrastructure loans.

U.S. Department of Energy unveils the Quantum Internet

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) unveiled a report that lays out a blueprint strategy for the development of a national quantum internet, bringing the United States to the forefront of the global quantum race and ushering in a new era of communications.

China trials cross-border settlement involving CBDC

China trials cross-border settlement involving cenbank digital currencies.
The bridge test was developed by the Bank for International Settlements.
A central bank digital currency trial focused on cross-border transactions has been completed, BIS said, with Chinese state-owned banks participating as Beijing tries to internationalize its digital yuan.
Sources: reuters

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