
We are Headed to a Global Financial Reset » News » We are Headed to a Global Financial Reset

News Date: December 5, 2021

Pull your money out of The Banks, As we are headed for a Global Financial Reset.
The federal reserve is nothing but a loan shark for the deficit spending government.
It's the government's fault for all this monetary mess, not the bankers.
They're just profiting from the control of money creation and all assets traded in the stock, bond, and commodity markets.
Get out of the casino and get into silver hoarding or use your dollars to buy real hard assets like farmland , real estate and gold.
It's the only safe plan in preparation for the coming dollar collapse.
Expect a trigger event in the coming months for a global re-set.
Deutsche Bank is rumored to be already declared bankrupt.
The banks don't trust each other or are out for themselves like JP Morgan, or are failing like Deutsche Bank.

Black Swan recent Event

September 5, 2021: A black swan appeared on Tiananmen Square. Which In Chinese Culture Is A Foreshadowing Of Disastrous Events.
The incident triggered heated discussions, as Chinese leader Xi Jinping mentioned a black swan earlier this year.
On August 17th Palantir purchased gold bars as a hedge against a black swan event.
Also, Sunday 5 September: 150th Anniversary of the 1871 Act Of England. Check out Chapter 11 Washington D.C filing for Bankruptcy. Everything from 1871 is branded Illegitimate/ Illegal.

Russia supports Saudi Arabia membership in BRICS

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that he supports Saudi Arabia's possible accession to the BRICS group.
Putin: Yes, we support. This requires a consensus of all countries.
Also, on 20 Oct, China voiced support for the expansion of BRICS membership after reports about Saudi Arabia showing its intention to join the group that presently comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

US Space Force the Guardians of QFS?

The new name for military space professionals, announced on Friday by Vice President Mike Pence, may appear to be a play on the Marvel superhero film Guardians of the Galaxy. But Space Force officials said it was a callback to a 1983 motto.
Vice President Mike Pence announces that uniformed members of the U.S. Space Force will be called Guardians. There you have it: Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Guardians.
What is the enemy right there in the space? We have not been attacked by aliens. Maybe QFS satellites need more protection.

World Bank President:China needs to participate in debt relief

World Bank President David Malpass said that the Chinese government and its creditors need to participate in coordinated efforts to provide debt relief to the world's poorest countries, as China has become a major creditor to the developing countries of the world.

What is the devolution?

Devolution is fundamental and part of the governments top-secret continuity of government plans.
Devolution: transference (as of rights, powers, property, or responsibility) to another especially, the surrender of powers to local authorities by a central government.
The Devolution PLAN involved secret operations of replacing politicians, senior key officials, high-ranking Generals, Admirals, and officers.

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