
The largest-ever BRICS summit » News » The largest-ever BRICS summit

News Date: November 13, 2023

In October 2024, Russia will host the largest-ever BRICS summit in Kazan, as announced by President Vladimir Putin.
The choice of Kazan underscores Russia's commitment to fostering collaboration among the BRICS nations.
Events will also be held in the well-established BRICS+ format, Putin stated.
The summit aims to address global issues, strengthen diplomatic ties, and explore enhanced cooperation, adding a unique cultural and historical dimension to the proceedings.

Trump Allies Target Fed's Independence: WSJ

Some members of Trump's team are devising plans to restructure the Federal Reserve, which could grant the president direct influence over interest rate decisions and potentially remove the current Fed Chair, Jerome Powell, from office before his term ends in 2026.
This move is part of a broader strategy by Trump's allies to diminish the Federal Reserve's independence if he secures a second term, amidst internal disagreements among his advisers on how forcefully to challenge the central bank's authority.
> WSJ report<
This effort follows the federal government's actions in 2020, during Trump's tenure, where large portions of the financial markets were nationalized, with the Federal Reserve providing the necessary funds.
Notably, BlackRock was entrusted with executing the trades, effectively merging the Federal Reserve and Treasury into a singular entity.

Space Force Supra Coders

The first 15 Supra Coders are already empowering the Space Force to be a lean and agile service by making improvements to processes, and developing new software for Guardians across the Space Force.
Supra Coders fix space software problems on the fly.
A new Supra Coder program within Space Operations Command deltas, Space Force's tactical-level units, provides software coding training for space operator Guardians so they can fix software issues quickly without having to wait for contractors or software experts.

Gold's Central Bank Buying and Possible Revaluation

Jim Grant is writing about Gold again: The press infatuation with pronouncing Gold dead, Central Bank purchases and history, Gold's performance in 2022 as inflation hedge (not so good), the potential for European Central Bank revaluations.
Also, The Governor of the Dutch central bank stated the gold revaluation account ensures the solvency of his central bank in an interview on television about prospective losses.
Sources: vblgoldfix,

Putin urges for an international independent Digital Payment System

Vladimir Putin Urges for Creation of a Digital Payment System for International Settlements.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin has called for the establishment of a new system for international settlements, independent from banks and third-party interference.
It can be created using digital currency technologies and distributed ledgers, the Russian leader said, quoted by local media.
Sources: news.bitcoin

Dollar standard rejected in the era of gold

Peter Schiff said he thinks we are about to see a gold bull market rivaling the 1970s because the world is going to reject the dollar standard and go back to a gold standard.
Ray Dalio:Within the next five years you could see a situation in which foreigners who have been lending money to the United States wont want to, and the dollar would not be as readily accepted for making purchases in the world as it is now.,

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