
First-ever cross-border settlement for precious metals

Date: December 20, 2023 Category: News

The Bank of China Shanghai Branch achieved a historic milestone by conducting the first-ever cross-border settlement for precious metals using the digital yuan (e-CNY) on December 20.

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Trump vows tax cuts and debt relief

Date: December 16, 2023 Category: News

President Trump made a campaign stop in Durham, N.H., on Saturday.
Donald Trump: "Here is my pledge to every New Hampshire family: I will never let the Trump tax cuts and they are the biggest tax...

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Putin vows a fair world order after next BRICS summit

Date: December 15, 2023 Category: News

Addressing a year-end press conference that lasted more than four hours on Thursday, President Putin criticized the West's idea of a 'rules-based world order,' calling it non-existent and claiming tha...

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Somalia secured the debt relief from IMF and World Bank

Date: December 13, 2023 Category: News

Following Ethiopia's $1.5 billion agreement in November, the IMF and World Bank recently granted $4.5 billion to Somalia in debt relief, which represents a significant step toward reducing financial p...

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Putin: Western banking system to end

Date: December 9, 2023 Category: News

Putin made some startling remarks addressing the VTB investment forum in Moscow on Thursday about the threat to the archaic financial system.
"The Western financial system is becoming outdated be...

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