
National coin shortage getting worse » News » National coin shortage getting worse

News Date: August 2, 2020

The nation's coin shortage, prompted by less cash circulating as a result of Covid-19 - is getting worse.
And believe it or not, cash is still being used in 49% of payments that are $10 or below, according to a recent study by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
The irony of the situation lies in the fact that the Fed can print trillions for bonds, but can't come up with a couple of quarters to do its laundry.,

What is Sound Money? Monetary reset

A somewhat polemical term for a currency backed by a tangible commodity such as gold, silver or platinum. Sound money has an intrinsic value, but is more susceptible to deflation than fiat money. Many countries used sound money throughout most of their histories; however, most countries today use fiat money and have since the United States left the Bretton Woods System in the 1970s. The term "sound money" is often used by those who favor its reintroduction. The more common term is hard money.
Given the current fiat money system is on a path towards its own destruction it is not surprising that there has been increasing talk of a monetary reset.,

Astrological Timeline for NESARA Victory

Two possible scenarios for action by Trump Team to Salvage the Republic, yes the alternative is unthinkable but should be factored in. Probable lowest point in presidency next 2 weeks followed by transition to Greatness - Dec 30th and onwards.
The key question on the mind of everyone is who will be sworn into office as the next President of the United States. Will it be former Vice President Biden or President Donald Trump? Based on Vedic Astrology based Prashna Analysis, the short answer is that it will be President Donald J Trump!
Must see videos:,

BRICS Common Currency report

The planned BRICS cross-border currency is an important step in challenging the dominance of the U.S. dollar, according to Zhou Yu, director of international finance Research at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, revealed a recent report from China's Global Times.
Zhou states that the recent moves to support local currency settlement have given the BRICS countries a competitive advantage in reducing the dominance of the dollar in international trade.
Iran, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Egypt are among the potential countries to join and adopt the BRICS currency in 2023.

FED Audit. HR24 - Federal Reserve Transparency Act

U.S. Representative Thomas Massie vows to reintroduce HR24 to audit the FED along with 40 original cosponsors, as soon as he is sworn in.
The FEDs have never ever been audited. Now that the Feds are under the control of the Treasury, this could easily happen!
If this audit does happen this will be such a huge step leading to the GCR/ Gold Standard!

The Kraken is a Cray XT5 supercomputer to Break Petascale

The University of Tennessee supercomputer, Kraken, has broken a major barrier to become the worlds first academic supercomputer to enter the petascale, performing more than 1 thousand trillion operations per second, a landmark achievement.
The Kraken Cray XT5 supercomputer at the National Institute for Computational Sciences (NICS) has been upgraded to become the first academic computer in the world to exceed one petaflop of calculation power.

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