
Richard Grenell listed as president » News » Richard Grenell listed as president

News Date: March 20, 2021

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce the interim president of the United States of America!?
Richard Grenell: I will run up the stairs without tripping and then announce a plethora of Executive Orders. Stay tuned.
A former acting director of national intelligence turned potential Republican candidate for governor of California, gleefully seized on an error by Google on Saturday, promising a plethora of executive orders after the search giant listed him as President of the United States since 2021. The information appeared to come directly from Wikipedia, which is automatically used by Google in searches where it is then often stated as fact.
The military is in control? White hats are in control of Google? You decide...

Iraq, one more brick to GESARA

The Iraqi Prime Minister has expressed interest in joining BRICS, pending an invitation from the founding members, showcasing Iraq's desire to strengthen its global ties.
Furthermore, Iraq is set to ban cash withdrawals and U.S. dollar transactions from January 1, 2024, signaling a shift in its financial strategy and greater economic autonomy.
These developments underline Iraq's proactive stance in international affairs.
The Iraqi Dinar (IQD) is experiencing a significant surge in the Foreign Exchange (FOREX) market, marking a turning point for Iraq's currency.
Several factors, including economic recovery, global recognition of Iraq's gold & oil reserves, and proactive measures by the government and central bank, have contributed to the IQD's newfound strength.
This surge is not only attracting investors but also enhancing Iraq's role in international trade. Ultimately, the IQD's rise is empowering both Iraq's economy and its citizens by increasing purchasing power and economic opportunities.

NESARA Dawn of the Golden Age

A video for all NESARA skeptics, A very long in-depth Explanation of NESARA, its history, and all the details you could need.
Part 1 - Dawn of the Golden Age - Discuses how Saint Germain helped bring about the beginnings of an enlightened era that soon fell into darkness under the helms of the Illuminati and a corrupted masonic order.
Part 2 - The American Federal Empire. America was always meant to be always a shining beacon of freedom and prosperity to the world. But the machinations of British bankers and the Rothschild's soon destroyed all that was once good in this great land.
Part 3 - The Farmer Claim Program - Discuses how a class-action lawsuit brought about in the early 1990's lead to the creation of NESARA, the National Economic Security and Reformation Act which will ultimately tear apart the New World Order and bankers plans right out from under their feet.

Biblical conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21

The alignment of Jupiter and Saturn will appear in the skies on December 21, the winter solstice. The last time the rare alignment of the planets was this close was in 1623, nearly 400 years ago. That was only 14 years after Galileo discovered the moons of Jupiter with the invention of the telescope.
Days before Christmas, Jupiter, and Saturn will look like one bright star - some believe the alignment is the same described in the Bible.
This alignment should lead to realization, possibly a great awakening.

Russia China will lead the world to gold standard

The process of fiat money collapse is currently underway and that gold, property and productive assets like manufacturing factories can be used to rebuild the economic system.
A combination of China and Russia would be the two countries that will lead us back to having a currency backed by precious metals.
China has multiples of what they report in gold reserves, that they probably got 20,000+ tons of gold reserves.
Russia is actually in a very-very good position: they have very low debt, they don't run large deficits, etc. They got a very large natural resource economy as well.
As a result, when the things come crashing down that the first two currencies that go to a gold backing are China and Russia.

US Jobs Data could Trouble the Market

Goldman: The Market's Reaction To The Jobs Report Means Brace For A Stubborn Grind Higher In September.
Unusually large U.S. jobs number stokes case for 'unusually large' rate hike.
Friday's 'Great' Jobs Number Could Spell Trouble For The Market.
'Great' US Jobs Data Make Case for Bigger Fed Rate Increases.
Bond markets complicate Fed decision after jobs report.
There is a probability of a 0.75% move in September, a noticeable change from the 0.50% move markets were pricing prior to Friday's jobs report.
Sources: substack,

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