
Russia is increasing its reserves with safe assets » » Russia is increasing its reserves with safe assets

Date: April 18, 2023

According to the head of the central bank, Russia is increasing its reserves with assets that the West cannot sanction.
Elvira Nabiullina, the governor of the Russian Central Bank, stated on Tuesday that Russia is increasing its foreign reserves using assets that are immune to Western sanctions.
The central bank has previously stated that it believes that cash-held foreign currency, gold, and the Chinese yuan are safe.

World Bank is urging debt relief

The World Bank's new president, Ajay Banga, is urging swift action in providing debt relief.
During a press conference at the Bank's annual meeting in Marrakech, he emphasized the need for expedited efforts to alleviate the economic burdens faced by many nations.
President Banga's message highlights the urgency of addressing global economic challenges and reaffirms the World Bank's commitment to supporting economic stability and sustainable development worldwide.

Government shutdown averted through December

Shutdown averted: Senate passes continuing resolution to keep US government open through December.
The US Senate approved a stopgap funding bill Thursday in a rare show of cross-party unity to avert a crippling government shutdown and keep the lights on for another two months.

Executive Order on Ordering the Selected Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty

The Secretary of Defense is directed to order to active duty for not more than 365 consecutive days, any units, and any individual members not assigned to a unit organized to serve as a unit, of the Selected Reserve under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Defense, not to exceed 200 Selected Reservists at any one time, as he considers necessary.

Kennedy half dollar and golden decoration at WH Xmas

The beginning of FLOTUSs Christmas video starts with the Seal of the President of the United States. It is used in various ways including on the Kennedy half dollar.
The Phoenix on the Melania Trump Xmas tree ornament is the same as the Kennedy half dollar, which was in circulation from 1964 just after his death until 2002 just after 911 !!! He died exposing the deep-state military-industrial complex who also did 911!
FLOTUS: During this special time of the year, I am delighted to share America the Beautiful and pay tribute to the majesty of our great Nation. Together, we celebrate this land we are all proud to call home.
This may suggest the return to gold/silver standard as a Christmas gift, also paying tribute to those heroes who fought for NESARA.

Triangular spacecraft patent

A spacecraft having a triangular hull with vertical electrostatic line charges on each corner that produce a horizontal electric field parallel to the sides of the hull. This field, interacting with a plane wave emitted by antennas on the side of the hull, generates a force per volume combining both lift and propulsion.

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