Daily NESARA GESARA updates:

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Happening now:

DateCurrent Events
May 23, 2021 JIM WILLIE - Decline of US dollars in 2021
May 23, 2021 NESARA | The Great Awakening vs The Great Reset
May 23, 2021 Texas DEFEATS BIDEN In Court!! Another HUGE WIN!
May 23, 2021 Maricopa County's Attorney Office Asks From Karen Fann All Documents Linked To The Deleted Database!
May 23, 2021 Trump Vows to Return "IMMEDIATELY! If I Wait Our Country Will Be Destroyed!"
May 23, 2021 New 'Fold Effect' Finding in New Hampshire - Could Impact Entire State Results
May 23, 2021 The [CB] great reset has failed, good guys provided an alternative currency
May 22, 2021 New Hampshire Audit Confirms Voting Machines Results Unreliable
May 22, 2021 After Having His Life Threatened, A Judge FINALLY Ruled To Support Mike Lindell!
May 22, 2021 Silver Headed Back To $50 All-Time High Plus
May 22, 2021 Sidney Powell Weighs in on Georgia Audit: 145,000 Absentee Ballots, 106,000 Adjudicated Ballots
May 22, 2021 Continuation of DS demise showing everyday
May 22, 2021 What A Week For The Gold & Silver Markets
May 22, 2021 The [CB] reset is failing, China executes plan for all to see
May 21, 2021 Democrats Aren't Sure If Trump's Absence Will Hurt Or Help Them
May 21, 2021 Georgia Judge Calls for Forensic Audit of Fulton County Ballots After Large Discrepancies Found in Ballot Batches
May 21, 2021 Papadopoulos goes scorched earth exposing the [DS]


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