Daily NESARA GESARA updates:

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Happening now:

DateCurrent Events
November 9, 2020 Gold Will Hit $20,000 But This Will Be The Big Surprise
November 8, 2020 From Wisconsin to Nevada to Pennsylvania to Georgia, Trump's 2020 Election Legal Challenge Starts to Take Shape
November 8, 2020 Biden-Trump Margin in Pennsylvania Close to Automatic Recount
November 8, 2020 Georgia headed to mandatory recount secretary of state announces
November 8, 2020 Trump Campaign Moves to Initiate Wisconsin Recount
November 8, 2020 President Bush Says Trump Has Right To Request Election Recount
November 8, 2020 Silver Rallies Over 5% And A Fire Sale In The Mining Stocks!
November 8, 2020 Race to Secure Bitcoin and the Internet From Threat of Quantum Computing Begins
November 8, 2020 "Gold is Money, Everything Else Is Credit" As We Enter 50th Year Of Monstrous Debt Bubble
November 8, 2020 Trump's stalling legal strategy
November 7, 2020 Precious Metals Rise, As We Glide Thru Time
November 7, 2020 Keep Your Faith - Trump Already Won
November 7, 2020 As Gold & Silver Broke Out, Bullion Bank Gold Short Positions Were At A Staggering $39 Billion
November 7, 2020 Erdogan Fires Turkish Central Bank Governor, Launching Full-Blown Currency Crisis
November 6, 2020 President Trump Setup Democrats In "Sting Operation" To Catch Them Stealing Election!
November 6, 2020 TRAP SET: Dept of Homeland Security controlled "official ballots" production. Dems print extras, not knowing about non-radioactive isotope watermarks on "official ballots".
November 6, 2020 For the first time ever, the official U.S. Presidential election results will be posted on the ethereum and EOS blockchains


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