Daily NESARA GESARA updates:

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Happening now:

DateCurrent Events
August 7, 2020 Trump Was Right: "Big" Payroll Number Smashes Expectations As 1.76 Million Jobs Added
August 7, 2020 Nightmare For Bullion Banks Continues As Silver Hits $30 In Overseas Trading And Gold Surges Toward $2,100
August 7, 2020 Gold Set for Best Weekly Run Since 2006 After Rally to Record
August 7, 2020 The Endless Melt Up: Gold And Silver Soar, Global Stocks Turn Green For 2020; Apple $2 Trillion Any Second
August 6, 2020 Russia-China "Dedollarization" Reaches "Breakthrough Moment" As Countries Ditch Greenback For Bilateral Trade
August 6, 2020 Federal Reserve announces details of new 24x7x365 interbank settlement service with clearing functionality to support instant payments in the United States
August 6, 2020 Gold Is Expensive, and May Be Just Warming Up
August 6, 2020 If Democrats will not make a deal, President Donald Trump will pursue executive action in order to extend economic relief for the American people.
August 6, 2020 Trump notified his staff to continue working on an Executive Order with respect to Payroll Tax Cut, Eviction Protections, Unemployment Extensions, and Student Loan Repayment Options
August 6, 2020 Gold prices aim for fifth record in a row as bullion enters 'euphoric phase' of rally - silver surges over 5% too
August 6, 2020 Turkish Lira Crashes To Record Low, CDS Spike As 'Plan Z' Fails
August 6, 2020 Swiss banking giant unites Ripple and SWIFT on one platform
August 6, 2020 Donald Trump: We passed the largest package of tax cuts in American history
August 6, 2020 China's major state banks start internal testing of digital wallet application: media
August 5, 2020 Bank of America: Silver Could Hit $50 "In The Near Term"
August 5, 2020 Trump says he may suspend payroll tax collection without Congress: 'I have the absolute right'
August 5, 2020 Stephen Moore insists Trump has authority to enact payroll tax holiday: 'People really do like the idea'


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