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Happening now:

DateCurrent Events
July 22, 2020 UK Government Launches Major Independent Review of UK Fintech Sector
July 22, 2020 Coronavirus coin shortage has people cashing in on spare change
July 22, 2020 Fed deliberates how and when to roll out more economic support
July 22, 2020 Dow Jones Futures Rise 125 Points: 4 Big Stock Market Winners In Coronavirus Rally; Snap Plunges On Earnings
July 22, 2020 Payroll tax cut is 'a perfect way to really reignite the economy': Art Laffer
July 22, 2020 A nationwide coin shortage has motivated a Wisconsin bank to help local businesses in need by paying people to donate extra pennies, dimes, nickels and quarters.
July 21, 2020 Gold Soars, Euro Roars As Dollar Dumps And Stocks Slump
July 21, 2020 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's Bench says the U.S. 'better be ready' for a future digital currency issuance
July 21, 2020 Banking Committee approves Fed nominee Judy Shelton; next step is a full Senate vote
July 21, 2020 President Trump is committed to including a payroll-tax cut in the next coronavirus relief bill despite firm opposition from Senate Republicans
July 21, 2020 Trump administration establishes $75 million quantum computing centers
July 21, 2020 Trump Fed nominee Judy Shelton expected to win Senate panel approval today
July 21, 2020 Silver Is Soaring Again, Citi Sees $2000 Gold Imminent
July 21, 2020 By Confirming Judy Shelton, The Senate Could Bring Reason Back To The Dollar Discussion
July 21, 2020 E.U. leaders agree to $859 billion coronavirus plan to steer bloc out of what could be worst economic straits since World War II
July 21, 2020 US Dollar Worries Send Gold Price Higher
July 21, 2020 Elizabeth Warren: Cancel Student Debt In The Next Stimulus Package


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