Daily NESARA GESARA updates:

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Happening now:

DateCurrent Events
May 19, 2020 River in Israel Turns Red As Waterways Around The World Fulfill Biblical End Times Prophecy
May 19, 2020 Buffett Sells More Stocks, Including Goldman Sachs, With No 'Elephant-Sized' Acquisition On The Horizon
May 17, 2020 Global Monetary System, As You Know It, Ended
May 17, 2020 Prince Andrew Faces New Accusations Linking Him To Another Jeffrey Epstien Sex Slave
May 17, 2020 Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead at home
May 16, 2020 Trump Vows To End "Radical Left's" Total Command & Control Of Social Media
May 16, 2020 The FDA has shut down a Bill Gates-backed coronavirus testing program
May 16, 2020 Trump tweets clip of 'Independence Day' with himself, allies edited in
May 16, 2020 NWO | Financial Elite, Bill Gates, Club Bilderberg, WHO, EXPOSED by Italian Congresswoman
May 16, 2020 UK Government Admits Coronavirus Is Harmless to Vast Majority Of People
May 16, 2020 6.5 magnitude earthquake hits Nevada near Area 51; quake felt from Utah to California
May 16, 2020 Bill Gates' and Rockefeller Foundation's Plan to Track Americans
May 16, 2020 The President of Madagascar Quits World Health Organization & Urges Other African Nations To Leave Too
May 16, 2020 Trump fires Steve Linick, Obama appointee who briefed Congress on Biden-Ukraine ties
May 16, 2020 $1.6T in century-old Chinese bonds offer Trump unique leverage against Beijing


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