Daily NESARA GESARA updates:

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Happening now:

DateCurrent Events
June 30, 2020 Zimbabwe will be the first nation to use a Gold Standard Currency on a blockchain (Apollo Fintech blockchain)
June 30, 2020 Oval Office NESARA Clues
June 29, 2020 Zimbabwe blocks all mobile money payments as currency collapses
June 29, 2020 Sat. 4 July President Trump was expected to make some "Big Announcements" at the nation's Fourth of July celebration at Mount Rushmore
June 28, 2020 Royal fears: Buckingham Palace may NEVER be safe for monarch to live in again
June 28, 2020 Trump reveals our greatest enemy. No, it's not China! Flynn was about to take down Deep State Intel.
June 28, 2020 Barr to create task force to address anti-government extremists
June 28, 2020 Federal Reserve orders major banks to suspend share buybacks
June 27, 2020 Federal Reserve warns of temporary national coin shortage
June 27, 2020 Ireland to form new government after Green party votes for coalition
June 26, 2020 On Wed. 24 June afternoon Trump tweeted "Gold is the Standard," which was an official announcement of the US Dollar going to a Gold Standard.
June 26, 2020 Bank stocks surge after regulators ease financial crisis-era Volcker Rule (JPM, GS, BAC, C, WFC)
June 26, 2020 'The money's gone': Wirecard collapses owing $4 billion
June 25, 2020 US Congress asks for UFO Report from Intel Community in 180 days
June 25, 2020 Al Gore, UN Secretary-General, others now demanding 'Great Reset' of global capitalism
June 25, 2020 Digital Dollar Hearing Round 2: U.S. Senate To Examine Future Of Money
June 25, 2020 Coin shortage Notice! "due to the limits by the Fed Reserve..."


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