Daily NESARA GESARA updates:

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Happening now:

DateCurrent Events
June 19, 2020 Oklahoma judge allows Trump rally to proceed as planned, as president says Tulsa curfew being lifted
June 19, 2020 A 'ring of fire' solar eclipse will take place on Sunday - here's how to see it
June 19, 2020 Juneteenth = Emancipation Day = Freedom = NESARA Beginnings!
June 18, 2020 Bolton's Book: President Trump Wanted To 'Go After' Bitcoin As Early As 2018
June 18, 2020 Coronavirus: Bank pumps 100 billion pounds into UK economy to aid recovery
June 18, 2020 MAGA Rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, for June 19th - a big deal. this would fall on the Juneteenth Holiday. Moved to 20th as respect for African Americans request
June 17, 2020 Next stimulus package could include $4,000 vacation credit, second check
June 16, 2020 AG Barr Orders Executions of Four Inmates Accused Of Child Rape & Child Murder
June 16, 2020 Historic Ashtar Command Flyby Over WA!! Ashtar Says "We Already Won The War", GESARA Update!!
June 15, 2020 There Are At Least 36 Intelligent Alien Civilizations In Our Galaxy, Say Scientists
June 15, 2020 White House 'Seriously Considering' Second Stimulus Check; Payments Not A Slam Dunk
June 15, 2020 Wed. 17 June - an end date for the US Inc. bankruptcy and the official beginning of NESARA/GESARA? Can't wait!
June 14, 2020 Mayan calendar was WRONG and world will end 'next week', bizarre conspiracy theorist warns
June 14, 2020 Trump's new top banking supervisor is pro BTC, Ethereum, Ripple (XRP)
June 13, 2020 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 13 June 2020
June 12, 2020 Remarks by President Trump During a Roundtable on Transition to Greatness: Restoring, Rebuilding, and Renewing | Dallas, TX
June 12, 2020 The Trump Administration Is Advancing Ocean Exploration


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