
WH fires 9 Defense Business Board members, installs loyalists » News » WH fires 9 Defense Business Board members, installs loyalists

News Date: December 5, 2020

Martial law incoming? The White House purge of Pentagon continues.
The White House removed nine members of the Pentagon Defense Business Board on Friday and installed people loyal to President Donald Trump in their place, including presidential allies Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie.

The largest Tax Relief Package in Florida

Florida governor announces new Florida tax holidays and exemptions.
Ron DeSantis Signed the Largest Tax Relief Package in Florida History.
Florida tax relief bill focuses on saving money for families with young children.
The tax relief bill will save Floridians an estimated $1.1 billion.

QFS The Quantum Financial System

Quantum computers can make parallel computations and calculate so much faster than their classical counterpoints that this problem is child play for them.
They can figure out in seconds or minutes what most classical computers could never do.
Could the Quantum Financial System have been activated?
The concept is simple, but the system has become increasingly complicated over time.
As quantum finance gets better at predicting different outcomes given different variables, algorithms can make better trades given individual investors preferences.
Quantum finance can tell people with stock options when the best time to exercise them is. It can assess risk by better calculating probabilities, making arbitrage more profitable.
Little is it known that this new system has been designed in preparation for the takeover of the Central Bank Monetary Debt System to end the financial slavery and control over the populace.
The QFS is expected to operate on Quantum Benevolent Intelligence with interaction on any financial transaction anywhere in the financial world. As a guarantee that every transaction; is legal and transparent for every account holder.
Truth is, the QFS has been running in parallel with the Central Banking System for some time and has countered many hacking attempts to steal funds.

Kennedy half dollar and golden decoration at WH Xmas

The beginning of FLOTUSs Christmas video starts with the Seal of the President of the United States. It is used in various ways including on the Kennedy half dollar.
The Phoenix on the Melania Trump Xmas tree ornament is the same as the Kennedy half dollar, which was in circulation from 1964 just after his death until 2002 just after 911 !!! He died exposing the deep-state military-industrial complex who also did 911!
FLOTUS: During this special time of the year, I am delighted to share America the Beautiful and pay tribute to the majesty of our great Nation. Together, we celebrate this land we are all proud to call home.
This may suggest the return to gold/silver standard as a Christmas gift, also paying tribute to those heroes who fought for NESARA.

Donald Trump is against CBDCs

Donald Trump firmly opposes the idea of the Federal Reserve creating a central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the United States and vows to "never allow" the creation of such currency if elected.
His strong declaration to "never allow" the issuance of a CBDC reflects concerns about potential implications, such as privacy issues, government control, or disruptions to the existing financial system.
"As your president, I will never allow the creation of a central bank digital currency.
Such a currency would give a federal government, our federal government, the absolute control over your money, they could take your money and you wouldn't even know it was gone.
This would be a dangerous threat to freedom and I will stop it from coming to America", Trump stated during a speech in New Hampshire on January 17.

What is Special Drawing Right (SDR)

The SDR was initially defined as equivalent to 0.888671 grams of fine gold-which, at the time, was also equivalent to one U.S. dollar. After the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, the SDR was redefined as a basket of currencies.

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