
Dollar standard rejected in the era of gold » News » Dollar standard rejected in the era of gold

News Date: September 18, 2020

Peter Schiff said he thinks we are about to see a gold bull market rivaling the 1970s because the world is going to reject the dollar standard and go back to a gold standard.
Ray Dalio:Within the next five years you could see a situation in which foreigners who have been lending money to the United States wont want to, and the dollar would not be as readily accepted for making purchases in the world as it is now.,

Central bankers are losing the war on gold

The central bankers, Wall Street - the usual suspects - they are losing this war on gold as they have done in the 1960s, Middelkoop told the Keiser Report.
The year the author was referring to is when the London Gold Pool existed. The group was comprised of several central banks, which dumped their gold reserves to keep bullion price at $35 per troy ounce. Middelkoop says that now we can see the second London Gold Pool is failing.

Congressional Sound Money Caucus

As you can see, the supply of dollars has gone up dramatically, really since the gold standard ended in 1971. It is a gradual slope.
But if you see since the recession, it has been aggressive. And then, obviously, here, this year, it has been nearly vertical.
The value of the dollar is critical. That is the store of value for all Americans.
According to Congressman Davidson's office, the caucus exists to promote sound fiscal and monetary policy in the United States with the goal of preserving the purchasing power of the U.S. Federal Reserve Note.

Digital Yuan for Cross-Border payments launched

In Hong Kong, the Bank of China is leading the push for widespread cross-border usage of the digital yuan.
From experimental programs to cutting-edge applications, they have advanced.
One such application allows guests from the mainland to add more money to their Octopus cards using digital yuan.
In a different development, PetroChina successfully executed the first global trade of crude oil using e-CNY, the digital currency of the Chinese central bank, with the intention of extending its use worldwide.
As of June, transactions on China's highly advanced CBDC had totaled 1.8 trillion yuan.

Why is gold valuable?

Gold is abundant enough to create coins but rare enough so that not everyone can produce them. Gold doesn't corrode, providing a sustainable store of value, and humans are physically and emotionally drawn to it. Societies and economies have placed value on gold, thus perpetuating its worth.
Gold cannot be destroyed by Water, Time, Fire.
Gold doesn't need Feeding, Fertilizer, Maintenance.
Gold is Malleable, Ductile, Beautiful, Rare.,

Federal Student Loan Payments Officially Suspended

President Trump signed an Executive Memorandum on August 8 related to student loan relief.
Secretary DeVos announced that she has fully implemented Mr. Trump's directive.

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