
What is the devolution? » News » What is the devolution?

News Date: August 8, 2021

Devolution is fundamental and part of the governments top-secret continuity of government plans.
Devolution: transference (as of rights, powers, property, or responsibility) to another especially, the surrender of powers to local authorities by a central government.
The Devolution PLAN involved secret operations of replacing politicians, senior key officials, high-ranking Generals, Admirals, and officers.

SCO to expand trade in national currencies

China-led SCO bloc agrees to expand trade in national currencies.
The leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) agreed on Friday to take steps to increase the use of national currencies in trade between their countries, according to a joint declaration adopted on Friday.

Trump: We will end the radicalism in Washington DC

Donald Trump Perry, Georgia Rally Speech September 25:
With all of you in Georgia and conservative patriots all across the nation, we will end their reign of radicalism in Washington DC forever.
With a Republican Congress, we will fight for more jobs for Georgia families, fair trade for Georgia workers, and more Georgia factories forging more products stamped with that beautiful phrase Made in the USA.
You do not hear that too much. And you know, they are starting to say very strongly Merry Christmas.
Remember when I first ran, I said, you are going to say Merry Christmas.
They are all saying Merry Christmas again.
Full Rally Speech Transcript:

Zimbabwe to issue more gold coins

Zimbabwe hails gold coin success and wants to issue more.
Gold coins used as currency in Zimbabwe will soon be available in smaller denominations, the central bank says.
Those higher-value gold coins are available to buy at approved banks and are tradeable locally.

Precious Metals as Money Moving Forward

Sound Money Bills Moving Forward Rapidly in Many States.
First, as to repealing precious metals sales taxes, bills in Mississippi and Kentucky are moving forward quickly.
Other full sales tax repeal bills are pending in Maine, Wisconsin, and Vermont - while Minnesota and Alaska are considering an expansion of their existing sales tax exemptions.
Efforts are underway in Iowa, South Carolina, Kansas, and Missouri to remove the state income taxes on the sale of gold and silver.
Meanwhile, several states are considering bills that prompt the establishment of a gold reserve.

10 Days to Remember. Our New Age

Solar Eclipse, Solstice, Great Conjunction & Mars Square Pluto - 10 Days to Remember - Dec 14/23.
This is going to be a very fast-paced and INTERESTING few weeks ahead of us! The Solar Eclipse is just one of the major events we have to look forward to.
Effectively Using the Eclipse, Solstice, and Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction to Recreate Human Society...
And this is what it must take for all of humanity, to be free. We cannot fight off the oppressors, nor can we plead with them to free us from our cells. We have to BE free, ACT free, for them to lose their power over us. We must OWN our sovereignty.

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