
Audit the Fed bill reintroduced » News » Audit the Fed bill reintroduced

News Date: January 28, 2024

U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has reintroduced the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, also known as the "Audit the Fed" bill, aiming to prevent the Federal Reserve from withholding vital information on its operations from Congress.
Paul contends that the inner workings of the Federal Reserve are currently obscure and largely unknown, and he believes that increased transparency is crucial for better understanding and oversight.
The legislation underscores the importance of making the Federal Reserve more accountable to Congress and the public, ensuring that its decision-making processes and financial transactions are subject to thorough scrutiny.
"No institution holds more power over the future of the American economy and the value of our savings than the Federal Reserve. It's long past time for Congress to stop shirking its duty and hold the Federal Reserve accountable.
The Fed's persistent cycle of money printing and lending without any form of meaningful oversight may be the cause of many of our economic hardships, such as the struggle of many Americans to afford food."
he stated.

The Solar Eclipse on June is a New Moon Eclipse. New Earth Era

The Solar Eclipse on June 20th - 21st is a New Moon Eclipse, and is right on the Solstice and marks a time of major transformation!
There is a huge opening for the breakthroughs and answers to start coming to help us through this challenging time.
Earth is currently sitting at the dawn of a New Earth Era, on the brink of an epic shift toward a Universal Humanity.
We can use the gift of this moment to transform ourselves both personally, planetarily & cosmically as we awaken to our inherent 5D divinity.,

Gold Standard Act Approved on March 14, 1900

President McKinley signs Gold Standard Act, March 14, 1900.
122 years ago today, President William McKinley signed the Gold Standard Act, which established gold as the sole basis for redeeming paper currency.
The act halted the practice of bimetallism, which had allowed silver to also serve as a monetary standard.
It set the value of gold at $20.67 an ounce and valued the dollar at 25.8 grains of gold.
The act guaranteed that the government would redeem any amount of paper money for its value in gold, and it meant that transactions no longer had to be done with heavy gold bullion or coins because the paper currency had a guaranteed value tied to something real.

Payroll tax holiday

President Donald Trump's first executive order today provides a payroll tax holiday to Americans earning less than $100,000 per year.
The administration is also looking at cuts to income taxes for lower and middle-income individuals, as well as cuts capital gains taxes.

State of the Union speech delayed to March

On the 20th January, Biden was scheduled to make his first State of the Union speech.
The speech has been delayed due to the current explosion of infections in the US, causing a breakdown in basic functions and services.
So, Joe Biden will give his first State of the Union address to Congress on March 1, the White House said.

Asian Clearing Union to adopt SWIFT alternative

Within the coming weeks, ACU member states plan to introduce the Iranian-developed system.
During a recent summit in Iran, the members of the Asian Clearing Union (ACU) decided to compete with the SWIFT global payment network by launching a new cross-border financial messaging system in June.
ACU members include the central banks of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Iran.
According to reports, the new, unnamed method for banking communication among ACU members was designed by the Central Bank of Iran (CBI).
Along with the top representatives from the ACU member states, the conference also included the governor of the Russian central bank, representatives from Afghanistan, and Belarus.
Last week, applications for membership in the ACU were submitted by Belarus and Mauritius.
Mohammad Reza Farzin, the governor of the CBI, disclosed that the bloc would look to expand its membership and vary the payment methods it accepts in order to support a more comprehensive de-dollarization drive.

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