
H.R.25, A bill to repeal the income tax » News » H.R.25, A bill to repeal the income tax

News Date: June 24, 2020

A BILL To promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity by repealing the income tax and other taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, and enacting a national sales tax to be administered primarily by the States.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled.

NESARA law implementation stage by Trump

NESARA Sections implemented so far:
> Eliminating the Federal Reserve System: FED was nationalized and merged the treasury.
> Payroll taxes eliminated.
> Increases benefits to senior citizens.
> Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.
> Establishes peace throughout the world.
> Releases unprecedented prosperity with enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.
NESARA Sections to be implemented soon:
> Cancels all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities.
> Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals.
> Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies.
> Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.
> Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law.
> Abolishes the IRS.
Our Articles are proofing it is really happening:
NESARA law: Full

Ripple partner Nium takes on SWIFT

The new solution, which leverages Ripple's blockchain network Ripplenet, claims to lower settlement costs for Financial Institutions by up to 90% for international brokerage account transactions when compared to transactions settled via the SWIFT International Payments Network.
XRP powers NIUM's alternative to swift.
Nium has pointed to three major benefits of its global payments network and new brokerage solution: cost savings of up to 90%, improved customer satisfaction, and increased demand for new partnerships.

Giant Voice of America

Remember when Trump said we would have a Giant Voice in the future?
This is the post that got Trump booted: The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!
Voice of America, a news outlet now controlled by his loyalists, will now be their communication channel.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered remarks on Monday at Voice of America headquarters in Washington DC.
Secretary of State Pompeo slammed the anti-democratic tech giants in the US and the Chinese Communist Party.

Atomic race joint statement

5 nuclear-weapon states vow no arms race in a joint statement.
China, Russia, Britain, The United States, and France have agreed that a further spread of nuclear arms and nuclear war should be avoided.
They have released a joint statement affirming their opposition to using their nuclear arsenals for offensive purposes.
They also promised to work together on nuclear disarmament.

Trump's Fed Nominee Advocates a Gold-Backed Currency, Even a Crypto One

Judy Shelton, President Trump's nominee for the Federal Reserve board of governors, has advocated for getting back to a gold standard, possibly "in a very cryptocurrency way." In an interview, Judy Shelton told reporters:
"I don't see it so much as returning [to the gold standard], more like 'back to the future.' I think that what a gold standard stands for is monetary discipline for its own sake. Money is supposed to be a unit of account, a reliable measure and a dependable store of value. It really shouldn't be subject to who's the chairman of the Federal Reserve."

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