
Google NESARA GESARA fact » » Google NESARA GESARA fact

Date: April 5, 2023

Did Google admit that NESARA GESARA is real?
They put EO 13849 on top as result of searching NESARA GESARA keywords.
EO 13849: Executive Order Authorizing the Implementation of Certain Sanctions Set Forth in the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act.
This fact is verified today and we will recheck it in the next period.
Source: google

New financial order supported by South Africa

South Africa's president has endorsed China's proposal for a new global financial order.
Ramaphosa acknowledged that there had been huge developments in the geopolitical scene in response to a News24 inquiry on Saturday regarding China's desire for a new financial order.

Trump Allies Target Fed's Independence: WSJ

Some members of Trump's team are devising plans to restructure the Federal Reserve, which could grant the president direct influence over interest rate decisions and potentially remove the current Fed Chair, Jerome Powell, from office before his term ends in 2026.
This move is part of a broader strategy by Trump's allies to diminish the Federal Reserve's independence if he secures a second term, amidst internal disagreements among his advisers on how forcefully to challenge the central bank's authority.
> WSJ report<
This effort follows the federal government's actions in 2020, during Trump's tenure, where large portions of the financial markets were nationalized, with the Federal Reserve providing the necessary funds.
Notably, BlackRock was entrusted with executing the trades, effectively merging the Federal Reserve and Treasury into a singular entity.

Saudi Arabia wants to join BRICS

South African president says Saudi Arabia wants to join BRICS.
Cyril Ramaphosa revealed this during his two-day state visit to the kingdom on Sunday.
The BRICS nations are going to be meeting in a summit next year under the chairship of South Africa.
And the matter is going to be under consideration.

Zimbabwe launched the gold-backed currency

Zimbabwe has decided to replace its struggling local currency with a new one backed by gold and foreign currencies in an effort to stabilize its economy and combat inflation.
The country reintroduced its own currency in 2019 after a period of dollarization, but it failed to gain public trust, with over 80% of transactions now conducted in foreign currency.
The new currency, named Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), will circulate alongside other foreign currencies.
The exchange rate for ZiG will be determined by the closing interbank exchange rate on April 5 and the London PM Fix price of gold on April 4.
The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe described the new currency as "structured," backed by a combination of foreign currency and precious metals, primarily gold, held as reserves by the central bank.
"If we implement these measures, we expect them to have an impact on inflation," central bank governor John Mushayavanhu told reporters.

Philadelphia FED researchers suggest gold standard

Researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia say switching to the gold standard could stabilize prices.
In their February working paper, researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia suggest that adopting a gold standard could lead to long-term price stability.
Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde and Daniel Sanches argue that inflation and deflation would become temporary events in a hypothetical small open economy operating under the gold standard.
> Centralbanking

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