
BRICS Prepares for Global Currency Reset » News » BRICS Prepares for Global Currency Reset

News Date: May 5, 2024

Russian IMF representative, Alexey Mozhin, in an interview with RIA Novosti published on Friday, suggests BRICS nations should prepare for a potential collapse of the dollar and international monetary system by offering an alternative currency.
Mozhin's remarks highlight the increasing recognition of the flaws in the current financial system and the potential role of BRICS in providing an alternative solution.
"Such a proposal is being discussed. In the event of the collapse of the dollar and the international monetary system, it will be necessary to turn the said BRICS accounting unit into a real currency, backed by exchange goods,", he stated.

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunction in Capricorn 2020

The last time Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto were conjunct in Capricorn was in 1894 BCE.
King of Babylon Hammurabi codified a series of simple rules and regulations inspired by Samash the Sun god, by adopting previously existing edicts into new socio-economic realities.
These regulations inspired by divinity were etched in stone, and have influenced all modern law to this day.
It happens again in 2020. This is The big event!
Are we prepared to rewrite the laws of our society to better suit our ever-changing socio-economic and political realities? We better be. because I don't think we have a choice.

Treasury Secretary: Expect a decline in the dollar as Reserve Currency

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Acknowledges Countries' Trend Toward 'Replacing The Dollar'.
Expect a gradual decline in the dollar's share of global reserves, according to Yellen.
During a congressional hearing, she was asked about dedollarization, to which she responded with her remarks.
The statements come amid global de-dollarization initiatives being undertaken by a number of nations, including the BRICS economic bloc.

Top SECRET! Name code GESARA. The declaration of independence of the world

Alliance sources are claiming that NESARA no longer is needed in America, since Trump signed the revised Paris Agreement, in which GESARA was secretly embedded. Therefore, NESARA, which originally was destined for the Republic of America, has merged with GESARA.

The Gold Standard Restoration Act in the House

Rep. Alex Mooney addressed the House on the Gold Standard Restoration Act:
'My bill would return the U.S. to the gold standard, protect against Washington's irresponsible spending habits and the creation of money out of thin air.
Prices would be shaped by economics rather than the instincts of bureaucrats.
No longer would our economy be at the mercy of the Federal Reserve and reckless Washington spenders', Alex Mooney said.

SLD 45 & SpaceX Starlink launch

Congratulations to SpaceX, all the Guardians and Airmen of SLDelta45 that made the Starlink 4-3 launch possible this evening.
This launch kicks off what is sure to be a busy December, with 5 launches slated to close out the year.
Without the dedication from their teammates, this high ops tempo would not be possible!
Source: SpaceForceDoD

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