
Central banks are buying gold » News » Central banks are buying gold

News Date: August 6, 2022

Central banks are buying gold to protect against the threat of a sovereign debt crisis.
Last week the World Gold Council noted that central banks bought 59 tonnes of gold in June.
For the first half of this year, central banks purchased 270 tonnes of gold.
The WGC noted that central banks bought 180 tonnes of gold in the second quarter.

Trump plans to make permanent cut to payroll tax if reelected

Saturday, in Bedminster, N.J., Trump announced, If victorious on November 3rd, I plan to forgive these taxes and make permanent cuts to the payroll tax.
Trump says that if reelected, he'll pursue permanent cut to payroll taxes that fund Social Security, Medicare.

Gold's role in the Global Monetary Reset

Gold will play a big role in the coming global 'monetary reset'.
A global monetary reset is inevitable, as fiat currencies are being debased due to excessive money printing.
The U.S. dollar will be dethroned as the dominant global reserve currency by currencies backed by a basket of commodities including gold, according to Maxime Bernier, Founder and Leader of The People's Party of Canada.
An International reserve currency based on a basket of currencies is under consideration, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on June 22 at the BRICS Business Forum.

Queen Elizabeth Joseph Gregory Hallett contest?

Queen Elizabeth II has until tomorrow to contest any part of Joseph Gregory Hallett's Final Declaration to take the throne of England. No matter what, Joseph Gregory Hallett will ultimately and probably very soon, walk into Buckingham Palace, sit on the throne and somebody will crown him, photos will be taken and sent around the world. All of the current monarchy, in royal terms are illegitimate and the Pope will abdicate also, if he already hasn't done so. The Pope is hiding behind the coronavirus. The new King will also replace the Pope. This is going to turn the world upside down. The new King plans on, at some point, implementing Nesara Gesara.

Gold is the future as inflation coming in hot

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell keeps telling us not to worry about rising prices, assuring us that any increase in price inflation is transitory. It appears most of the mainstream is buying this hook line and sinker.
The collapse of fiat currencies will demolish the state theory of money, and not for the first time. Irrespective of how long it takes, the rapid loss of fiat currencies purchasing power means that governments will no longer be able to finance their obligations. There will, therefore, come a point where fiat money must be abandoned in the search for monetary stability. The demise of fiat is the demise of state money and the function of its replacement will be to restore public trust.
The replacement money can only be based on something in governments possession. And either in their treasury departments or central banks, other than each others fiat they only possess gold in their monetary reserves.

Russian MF proposed an independent financial system for BRICS

On February 27, 2024, the first in-person meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors from BRICS countries took place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, as part of Russia's chairmanship.
The event marked a significant milestone for BRICS, emphasizing its growing importance globally with an increased number of participants.
During the meeting, Russia's Minister of Finance, Anton Siluanov, and First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia, Vladimir Chistyukhin, presented the key focus areas, highlighting the theme of the chairmanship: improving the international monetary and financial system.
The participants, including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, generally supported these priorities, signaling a collective commitment to addressing the role of developing countries in the global economy.
a crucial step is creating an independent financial infrastructure to bolster the autonomy and financial sovereignty of developing countries.
To enhance the global financial system, it's crucial to create practical opportunities for an independent financial infrastructure, reinforcing the autonomy and financial sovereignty of developing nations.
"The current system based on the existing Western financial infrastructure and the use of reserve currencies has a number of fundamental flaws. Such infrastructure should be available to everyone.
Financial infrastructure must be accessible to everyone and independent of the will of individual countries. Otherwise, we are faced with artificially created barriers to trade, investment and technology, even in transactions between third countries. This leads to a slowdown in global economic growth."
Siluanov said.

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