First-ever cross-border settlement for precious metals » News » First-ever cross-border settlement for precious metals
News Date: December 20, 2023The Bank of China Shanghai Branch achieved a historic milestone by conducting the first-ever cross-border settlement for precious metals using the digital yuan (e-CNY) on December 20.
Collaborating closely with the Shanghai Gold Exchange, they executed a 100 million yuan digital renminbi transaction, marking a significant advancement in the financial factor market.
This successful initiative demonstrates the practical application of digital currency in cross-border transactions for precious metals and sets a precedent for future developments in this space.
Quantum-Language saved the world in 1999
How Russell Jay Gould & David Winn Miller saved our world in 1999.QUANTUM-LANGUAGE-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR which was created by them to free the world rewriting the masonic books, the constitution, and other state documents in 18 days of government vacancy.
President Trump RV hints at Rose Garden news conference
RV stands for both ReValuation(Global Currency Reset) or Recreational Vehicle.Donald Trump made a strange remark in a Rose Garden news conference on Friday revealing he wants to drive around town in an RV, back to New York, with the First Lady.
Gold Is the Most Stable Currency
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United States and China are seeking debt relief measures
The United States and China are in frequent discussions to prevent emerging market sovereign defaults.Talks include preemptive measures such as extending loan periods to ease the annual debt service burden of over US$400 billion for poor countries.
Ideas also involve increased financing from the World Bank and others to address high borrowing rates.
The aim is to implement these measures before countries default and enter formal restructuring talks with creditors.
The Treasury Department: "we talk frequently with China about sovereign debt concerns.
And we talk to many countries about how to make sure the international financial architecture is meeting low-income country financing needs".