
First-ever cross-border settlement for precious metals » News » First-ever cross-border settlement for precious metals

News Date: December 20, 2023

The Bank of China Shanghai Branch achieved a historic milestone by conducting the first-ever cross-border settlement for precious metals using the digital yuan (e-CNY) on December 20.
Collaborating closely with the Shanghai Gold Exchange, they executed a 100 million yuan digital renminbi transaction, marking a significant advancement in the financial factor market.
This successful initiative demonstrates the practical application of digital currency in cross-border transactions for precious metals and sets a precedent for future developments in this space.

CEOs resigning conspiracy theory

Over 24 hours the CEOs of Disney, MasterCard & Salesforce Resigned.
Over Past Month, CEOs of Hulu, LinkedIn, Uber Eats, MGM, IBM, etc. resigned.
Over the past year, 1300+ Global CEOs resigned.
Market Crash? Child Rink bust? Rapture?

Such a beautiful message of peace

This is the wind of change, a Beautiful message of peace.
During the White House signing ceremony Israel projected flags of Israel, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and the US onto the Old City walls as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood alongside President Donald Trump in Washington hailing what he called "historic" peace agreements.,

Speeding up the BRICS - SCO payment system

A new, "cutting-edge" payment system for the currencies of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS countries should be established as soon as possible, according to the chairman of Russia's National Economic Development Organization VEB.RF, Igor Shuvalov.
In his remarks at a Russian-Chinese Business Forum on Tuesday in Shanghai, Shuvalov emphasized the need for Russia and China to hasten the development of an effective payment system.
"We urge the government of the Russian Federation and our Chinese partners to act as actively as possible.
An independent and efficient infrastructure of payments is necessary not only for ensuring the "ruble/yuan" pair but also for carrying out the most serious transactions in SCO and BRICS currencies," said Shuvalov.

Operation Starfall. New Internet?

H.R.5123 - American Freedom and Internet Access Act of 2021
Introduced 08/27/2021
Not later than 45 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Air Force,
in consultation with the Chief of Space Operations, shall develop and begin implementation of "Operation Starfall",
a strategic plan to deploy stratospheric balloons, aerostats, or satellite technology capable of rapidly delivering
wireless internet anywhere on the planet from the stratosphere or higher.

FED explores XRP For Instant Settlements

The US Federal Reserve is carefully examining XRP's feasibility and possible role in facilitating quick settlements within the financial environment after receiving many recommendations supporting XRP for instant settlements.
Concurrently, there are debates and investigations into the viability of pegging XRP to gold, which might open up new avenues for stability and value for the cryptocurrency.
This is an interesting possibility since it means that XRP might become physically connected to gold, which would have a big influence on its value and reputation in the QFS.

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