
Donald Trump back to the gold standard » News » Donald Trump back to the gold standard

News Date: July 18, 2020

President Trump: Replace The Dollar With Gold As The Global Currency To Make America Great Again.
Global cooperation, dealing with other countries, getting along with other countries is good, it's very important. But there is no such thing as a global anthem, a global currency or a global flag. This is the United States of America that I'm representing.
We used to have a very, very solid country because it was based on a gold standard.
Bringing back the gold standard would be very hard to do, but boy, would it be wonderful. We'd have a standard on which to base our money.

Danske Bank forgives debts for 90,000 customers

Danske Bank AS said that 90,000 Danish customers that owe the bank money will have their debt balance wiped clean after discovering errors in the bank's debt-collection systems.
The Copenhagen-based bank became aware of systemic errors in its debt-collection systems in 2019 and has been working to correct past mistakes and compensate affected customers, but as remediation has progressed new issues have emerged, extending the timeline for resolution potentially beyond 2024.

Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship

Trump signs social media executive order that calls for removal of liability protections over censoring.
The executive order calls for new regulations under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act to make it so that social media companies that engage in censoring any political conduct will not be able to keep their liability shield, the president said.

Putin vows development, security and a strong monetary system

Russian President Vladimir Putin said the motto of Russia's 2024 BRICS chairmanship is 'strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security', focusing on positive and constructive cooperation with all countries involved.
Moscow intends to strengthen BRICS's position in the global monetary system, Putin added Monday at the beginning of 2024 BRICS chairmanship:
'We will contribute to the practical implementation of the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership 2025 and the Action Plan for BRICS Innovation Cooperation 2021-2024 for ensuring energy and food security, enhancing the role of BRICS in the international monetary system, expanding interbank cooperation and expanding the use of national currencies in mutual trade.'

Investors should prepare for more wealth destruction

Senior brokers are warning their clients to pull money out of the stock market.
Investors seem to be nervous. And perhaps rightfully so.
A 48-year market vet warns that investors should prepare for more wealth destruction than we have ever seen as the Fed gets set to tighten policy.
David Hunter reiterated his call for a steep decline in stocks ahead.
He said he expects the S&P 500 to drop as much as 80% from its peak.
Hunter said Fed tapering would trigger the crash. Investors seem to be nervous. And perhaps rightfully so.
Stocks are up 90% from the lows in the last year-and-a-half, an extraordinary bull run.
Many measures of valuation show historic over-extension.
The Federal Reserve is getting set to taper asset purchases.
Treasury bond yields are expected to rise.
Personal finance expert Robert Kiyosaki warned the October crash is coming regardless of whether the US debt ceiling is raised or what measures are imposed by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen or Federal Reserve chair.

Russia Proposes New Standard for precious metals market

Russia Proposes New Standard To break the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) monopoly on gold.
It is proposed to 'place a specialized international precious metals exchange headquartered in Moscow' using the 'new international standard MWS' as the 'basis of the structure.'
It is also proposed to establish a Price Fixing Committee.
Subject to the application of the MWS standard, it will include the central banks and the largest banks of the Eurasian Economic Union countries represented in the precious metals market.
According to the Russian department, it is necessary to 'bet on fixing prices in the national currencies of the key member countries, or on new units of international settlements, such as the new unit of settlements proposed by the president of Russia within the member countries of the BRICS organization.'

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