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News Date: January 7, 2021

The US Federal Communications Commission, Enforcement Bureau, Reminds EAS Participants of Compliance Obligations.
FCC issues enforcement advisory reminding Emergency Alert System participants of compliance obligations, including ensuring alerts are accessible to people with disabilities.
The storm is upon us. We are ready now!

President Trump RV hints at Rose Garden news conference

RV stands for both ReValuation(Global Currency Reset) or Recreational Vehicle.
Donald Trump made a strange remark in a Rose Garden news conference on Friday revealing he wants to drive around town in an RV, back to New York, with the First Lady.

US Sanctions Risking systemic collapse

Russia could ask for rubles or gold in exchange for energy. If that occurred Europe would have little choice. The real leverage in the Petrodollar system is on the 'petro' side.
It will be interesting to see how this develops. If energy payments begin moving outside of the SWIFT system, then the Petrodollar will be severely damaged.
Regardless, it's going to be disruptive and we're going to see additional problems. Very likely we will see further money printing and more stagflation.
The United States' attempts to simultaneously take on both Russia and China is a bad idea. We're forcing the two of them together while Europe is trying to play both sides. This situation will end with China and Russia gaining status.
Russian citizens have also been buying gold. This crisis will hurt their citizens, but this isn't Russia's first rodeo. The fact that Putin has done this either means he's lost his mind or he has a plan and found a window of opportunity.
We could see serious spillover effects on bonds and real yields.
The United States can't afford higher rates, and they can't remove Russia's oil without destroying their own markets.
We could see big changes should Russia use their gold as leverage. Possible scenarios that could occur should gold be revalued.

Russia to continue Mir bankcard expansion

Mir is a payment and money transfer system operated by the Russian National Payment Card System.
The Russian Mir payments system is expanding to other countries in 2022.
Russia's central bank on Friday pledged to keep expanding the number of countries that accept its Mir bank cards.

Syria in secret negotiations with Israel for peace deal

Syria is widely believed to be in secret talks with Israel for peace deal.
A widespread belief has emerged recently in diplomatic corridors about the presence of secret negotiations between Israel and Syria, the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper reported Sunday.,

Coin shortage hits retailers, laundromats, tooth fairy

The national coin shortage has been an unusual side effect of the pandemic. Among its victims? Retailers, laundromats and even the tooth fairy.
Retailers large and small have urged shoppers to use cards or exact change whenever possible.
As the shortage persists, it's become clear that there are still some conundrums that only coins can solve.

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