
Fed to print 9.5 trillion and buy all the gold in the world » News » Fed to print 9.5 trillion and buy all the gold in the world

News Date: May 4, 2020

To test the value of the printed money, I suggest that the Fed prints $9.5 trillion and buys all the gold in the world, including jewelry, of 170,000 tonnes at the current price of $55.6 million per tonne. If they don't understand what will happen, I can tell them. They would have real problems getting hold of 1 tone of physical gold at that price. By the time they buy the second tonne, the market will value the dollar at its intrinsic value of ZERO, and gold measured in worthless dollars will go to infinity.

Trump Calls on Biden to Resign

Trump short statement: It is time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace for what he has allowed to happen to Afghanistan, along with the tremendous surge in COV ID, the Border catastrophe, the destruction of energy independence, and our crippled economy.
It shouldnt be a big deal, because he wasnt elected legitimately in the first place!
On Sunday, Taliban insurgents made their way into the capital city of Kabul, seizing control. Prior to the takeover, many, including Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, fled for fear of their lives.
The White House on Sunday tweeted a photo of Joe Biden sitting by himself as Afghanistan falls to the Taliban.

Gold and Silver benefit from FED policy, inflation

Gold prices are hovering around a two-week high as of Friday, showing the biggest weekly gains in over two months as the US Federal Reserve keeps key policy rates unchanged, engendering investors optimism about commodity markets.
The Fed balance sheet is one of the drivers to the expanding money supply. The Feds monetary tools are used to keep rates low and cheap credit flowing. If the Fed keeps up the monetary stimulus, it will continue to drive inflation higher.
If the Fed were to ever try and taper, allowing longer-term rates to rise, it will put pressure on many areas of the economy, including the federal deficit.
In either case, Gold and Silver should benefit from high inflation if the Fed keeps printing or a shrinking economy if the Fed tapers.

Sound Money Is Defending Liberties

It is impossible to grasp the meaning of the idea of sound money if one does not realize that it was devised as an instrument for the protection of civil liberties against despotic inroads on the part of governments. Ideologically it belongs in the same class with political constitutions and bills of right.
Our monies - represent fiat currencies, monopolized by the state.
Fiat money is economically and socially destructive - with far-reaching and seriously harmful economic and societal consequences, effects that extend beyond what most people would imagine.
A free market in money means that people have the freedom to choose the kind of money they wish to use and that people have the freedom to provide their fellow men with alternative goods that may serve them well as money.

The FED announces a new upgraded system

The Federal Reserve Board announced that it will replace its current bank application filing system with a new and upgraded system later this month.
The substantive requirements of applications will remain the same with the new system making the filing process more intuitive and minimizing paper applications and communications.

Astrological Timeline for NESARA Victory

Two possible scenarios for action by Trump Team to Salvage the Republic, yes the alternative is unthinkable but should be factored in. Probable lowest point in presidency next 2 weeks followed by transition to Greatness - Dec 30th and onwards.
The key question on the mind of everyone is who will be sworn into office as the next President of the United States. Will it be former Vice President Biden or President Donald Trump? Based on Vedic Astrology based Prashna Analysis, the short answer is that it will be President Donald J Trump!
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