
New Dollar Backed by Gold Coming This October 2020? » News » New Dollar Backed by Gold Coming This October 2020?

News Date: July 7, 2020

The rumor, and big fear, is that the IMF may opt to remove the US from the global SDR basket, effectively reducing the US's veto rights from the world stage. SDRs would then be a step closer to replacing the greenback as the world's reserve currency.
With the IMF attempting to pull off a fiscal reckoning minus the US dollar, President Trump may pull off a global reckoning of his own, by issuing US Treasury Notes backed by gold.

Gold Is the Most Stable Currency

If gold didn't retain its purchasing power, why would long-term investors and central banks store it in their vaults for decades? Hardly is gold used for industrial applications, so, again, why hold large stocks of gold if it would lose its value over time? The truth is that gold retains its value, and the stability of gold's purchasing power in the long-term is the main reason to own it.

NESARA could be announced to fix the Defunct US Inc.

The Sat. 7 Nov. announcement by the Lame Stream Media that Biden won the US Presidency was just another lie to the American people - now referred to as Voter-gate. The only call of this presidential election could come from joint sessions of Congress that would read the elector slates on 3 Jan. 2021.
However, the makeup of that Congress would have to be re-done because those politicians were elected under US Inc. This municipal corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES, INC. had entered into bankruptcy by its owner, Pope Francis, on 24 Sept. 2015 - a Chapter 7 liquidation that ended on 5 Nov. 2020.
You cant elect a new President for a defunct corporation, said Anna Von Reitz. Whoever was elected President of the United States on 3 Nov. had nothing to preside over as of 5 Nov.
NESARA and GESARA could be announced and that freedom from debt would change the world. When you announce NESARA you would have to have a new election within 120 days.
President Trump before his inauguration in January 2021, he should announce the new government and the new Republic. Then the military takes over, in a 120 - day period and in a temporary capacity, that all elected positions in the government will have to run again after 120 days.
Sources:,, inteldinarchronicles

USA Is Going Back To The Bill Of Rights And The Constitution

Conclusions of the Report of the Commission on Unalienable Rights:
1. It is urgent to vigorously champion human rights in foreign policy.
2. The power of example is enormous.
3. Human rights are universal and indivisible.
4. The universality and indivisibility of human rights do not mean uniformity in bringing them to life.
5. A degree of pluralism in respecting human rights does not imply cultural relativism.
6. Nation-states have some leeway to base their human rights policy on their own distinctive national traditions.
7. Although human rights are interdependent and indivisible, certain distinctions among them are inherent in the Universal Declaration itself, as well as in the positive law of human rights that follows from the UDHR.
8. Freedom, democracy, and human rights are indissolubly linked.
9. Social and economic rights are essential to a comprehensive foreign policy.
10. New claims of rights must be carefully considered.
11. National sovereignty is vital to securing human rights.
12. The seedbeds of human rights must be cultivated.
Full report:

Judy Shelton for Fed board, return to the gold standard

Senate banking panel to resume considering Judy Shelton for Fed board.
The nomination of Shelton appeared in jeopardy earlier this year as Republicans and Democrats on the banking panel expressed concerns over her views on the independence of the Fed from the White House, as well as her advocacy in the past for returning the United States to the gold standard.

World Bank Looking to Trim Poor Nations Debt

The World Bank is looking at ways to reduce the amount of debt owed by poor countries, rather than simply delaying payments, to attract more investors in the wake of the global pandemic and recession, President David Malpass said.
President of the WorldBank Group remarked to G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors: I emphasized the need for further progress on Debt Suspension, Debt Reduction, Debt Resolution, Debt Transparency.,

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