
FISA START and gold backed vaccines » News » FISA START and gold backed vaccines

News Date: December 12, 2020

Did Trump say the FISA vaccine? Yes, he did. This is the question of today.
Did anyone notice how Trump pronounced the Pfizer vaccine-like FISA vaccine?
Trump said Pfizer perfectly clear, the other 3 times it is FISA, as in unsealed FISA Warrants.... which will be delivered via our military as evil folks are arrested. Gold...NESARA/GESARA. Vax = Arrests.
President Trump announced the COVID vaccine rollout within 24 hours. Note the curtains. He is... backed by gold.
Patriots believe that he is saying FISA instead of Pfizer in this speech. President Trump could be announcing DECLAS within 24 hours, including military intervention at this point and a big step towards the gold standard.

Russia-Turkey Switching to National Currencies statement

In Sochi, Erdogan met Putin to discuss the gas hub and grain deal.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's emphasis on switching to national currencies in bilateral trade during his discussions with Russian President Vladimir Putin signifies a notable shift in Turkey's economic and geopolitical strategy.
Erdogan: Switching to national currencies in bilateral trade is important.
The development of a natural gas hub within Turkey dovetails with this shift in economic strategy.
Putin also stated that Russia will soon deliver free grain to Africa.

Quantum Financial System QFS and the BlockChain

Old Fiat Currency is false money supported by the Central Bank, banking system of debt slavery.
QFS has no comparison to anything that has ever been presented to the world before. It is like an antigravity machine compared to a car. There is no real basis to understand this technology.
Now if we discuss about the Quantum Financial System and its interrelation with Blockchain and future banking then we came to know that QFS is dealing in blockchain, shared ledgers and distributed ledger technologies, cryptocurrencies, virtual currencies and digital currencies. QFS is stored and operate on the satellite-based servers based on Quantum Computing. The reason is Quantum Computing is more secure and advance, because of its pattern of processing, the quantum computing uses two or more quantum states together to create another state by firing electrons through semiconductors using configurable pulse of light which results fastest state of speed. That's why Quantum Computers store far more information requiring less energy and deliver more speed than current state computers.
Quantum Financial System is the future of the banks because it provides methods to perform everyday tasks better than a traditional computer. This technology will replace blockchain and cryptography within a period of ten years.,,

Ripple effect. Ripple Partners with biggest Central Banks

Ripple Partners with Largest Financial Institution in Africa and Middle East.
Qatar National Bank and Ripple partner to enhance Global Cross-Border payments.
The national bank of Qatar is the biggest banking institution in Africa and the MENA region.
Fed Reserve Adopts ISO 20022 Format for Payments That Ripple Is Compliant With.
The Federal Reserve Board on Monday announced that the Federal Reserve Banks will adopt the ISO 20022 message format for the Fedwire Funds Service.
Ripple also partnered with UAE, South Korea, Bhutan, Saudi Arabia and blueprints to modernize Europe's payments infrastructure.

Ripple partner Nium takes on SWIFT

The new solution, which leverages Ripple's blockchain network Ripplenet, claims to lower settlement costs for Financial Institutions by up to 90% for international brokerage account transactions when compared to transactions settled via the SWIFT International Payments Network.
XRP powers NIUM's alternative to swift.
Nium has pointed to three major benefits of its global payments network and new brokerage solution: cost savings of up to 90%, improved customer satisfaction, and increased demand for new partnerships.

The Petro-yuan announcement

China's Xi calls for oil trade in yuan at Gulf summit in Riyadh.
President Xi Jinping told Gulf Arab leaders on Friday that China would work to buy oil and gas in yuan, a move that would support Beijing's goal to establish its currency internationally and weaken the U.S. dollar's grip on world trade.
China to use Shanghai exchange for yuan energy deals with Gulf nations.
China's President Xi Jinping said in Riyadh on Friday that China and Gulf nations should make full use of the Shanghai Petroleum and National Gas Exchange as a platform to carry out yuan settlement of oil and gas trade.
Sources: reuters

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