
Gold operates as money without states or bankers » News » Gold operates as money without states or bankers

News Date: September 20, 2020

Gold does not need the state or its bankers to operate as money, because individuals choose it as money on the market century after century. The solidi bear the names & faces of the 5 different emperors who issued them, Honorius was the last Roman emperor to rule Britain.
Everything in life eventually goes to zero.
Gold is one of the only elements in the universe that never dies.
Gold is universally recognized and adorned.
Gold is legacy wealth. Nothing else even competes.

FinX tap into the QFS via Stellar

Have you Heard about the FinX token in the stellar network, a new token implemented in the new quantum system that we are moving to?
FinX was started as an initiative to support the integration of retail users into the Quantum Financial System.
FinX is a decentralized network based on sovereignty and commerce. Its goal is to provide a platform optimized for the upcoming Quantum Financial System and enterprise-ready tokens to be used in the new generation of Blockchain.
Their goal is to tap into the QFS (Quantum Financial System), the new global network for the transfer of asset-backed funds, and replaces the centrally controlled outdated SWIFT Systems. FinX assets are created within the Stellar.

EO Imposing Sanctions in Foreign Interference in a US Election

Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election:
Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election.

EO on the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee

Donald Trump signed an Executive Order on Establishing the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee at White House, August 30, 2019.
Quantum Information Science (QIS) is an emerging field with the potential to cause revolutionary advances in fields of science and engineering involving computation, communication, precision measurement, and fundamental quantum science.,

Fed to print 9.5 trillion and buy all the gold in the world

To test the value of the printed money, I suggest that the Fed prints $9.5 trillion and buys all the gold in the world, including jewelry, of 170,000 tonnes at the current price of $55.6 million per tonne. If they don't understand what will happen, I can tell them. They would have real problems getting hold of 1 tone of physical gold at that price. By the time they buy the second tonne, the market will value the dollar at its intrinsic value of ZERO, and gold measured in worthless dollars will go to infinity.

Global political, economic, and financial restructuring

BRICS summit to discuss restructuring global political, economic architecture: S. African official.
A senior South African official said Tuesday that the BRICS summit to be hosted by the country this year will discuss how to restructure the global political, economic and financial architecture.
The 15th BRICS summit will take place this year in late August in South Africa's Durban.

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