
Next generation supersonic jet » News » Next generation supersonic jet

News Date: August 5, 2020

Virgin released a few fantastic conceptual designs of the new supersonic commercial aircraft that would have the capacity for 9 to 19 people at an altitude above 60,000 feet.
The now-retired Concorde flew at average cruising speed around Mach 2, which would mean the Virgin aircraft could hit speeds over 2,300 mph, or about 50% faster.,

Quantum-Language saved the world in 1999

How Russell Jay Gould & David Winn Miller saved our world in 1999.
QUANTUM-LANGUAGE-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR which was created by them to free the world rewriting the masonic books, the constitution, and other state documents in 18 days of government vacancy.

US Sanctions Risking systemic collapse

Russia could ask for rubles or gold in exchange for energy. If that occurred Europe would have little choice. The real leverage in the Petrodollar system is on the 'petro' side.
It will be interesting to see how this develops. If energy payments begin moving outside of the SWIFT system, then the Petrodollar will be severely damaged.
Regardless, it's going to be disruptive and we're going to see additional problems. Very likely we will see further money printing and more stagflation.
The United States' attempts to simultaneously take on both Russia and China is a bad idea. We're forcing the two of them together while Europe is trying to play both sides. This situation will end with China and Russia gaining status.
Russian citizens have also been buying gold. This crisis will hurt their citizens, but this isn't Russia's first rodeo. The fact that Putin has done this either means he's lost his mind or he has a plan and found a window of opportunity.
We could see serious spillover effects on bonds and real yields.
The United States can't afford higher rates, and they can't remove Russia's oil without destroying their own markets.
We could see big changes should Russia use their gold as leverage. Possible scenarios that could occur should gold be revalued.

WH is launching Quantum Information Science official website

White House is launching, the official website of the National Quantum Initiative and Quantum Information Science.
Quantum Information Science (QIS) emerges from a deeper consideration of how quantum physics (our description of the world at the microscopic level) has implications for information science.
The National Quantum Initiative Act (NQI Act) was signed into law by President Trump on December 21, 2018 to accelerate quantum research and development for the economic and national security of the United States.

The Nilar Gold Currency, the key to African development

Fiat money damages African economies and lives.
A common African gold currency, a long-held vision that many Africans still hold, is a way to effectively achieve monetary and thus economic independence.
Why Nilar? The Nile is Africa's and the world's longest river.
Zimbabwe, an unstable and inflationary economy, has finally made the sound decision to introduce gold coins to solve the persistent problem of rampant inflation.
Also, a multipolar world is inevitable and may be approaching.
Africa should not remain underdeveloped and dominated in that world. The nilar is the key.
Author: Manuel Tacanho is founder of Afridom, a sound money based digital banking startup for Europe and Africa.

Prepaid Debit Cards, Digital Dollars To Each American

Unprecedented Monetary Overhaul: Cleveland Fed president Loretta Mester Hints Fed Is Preparing To Deposit Digital Dollars Directly To Each American.
If anyone has actually been paying attention. This was announced months ago. Trump debit cards on the way!
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin shows the new prepaid debit card that will be sent to Americans receiving coronavirus relief.,

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