
Gold Standard Act Approved on March 14, 1900 » News » Gold Standard Act Approved on March 14, 1900

News Date: March 14, 2022

President McKinley signs Gold Standard Act, March 14, 1900.
122 years ago today, President William McKinley signed the Gold Standard Act, which established gold as the sole basis for redeeming paper currency.
The act halted the practice of bimetallism, which had allowed silver to also serve as a monetary standard.
It set the value of gold at $20.67 an ounce and valued the dollar at 25.8 grains of gold.
The act guaranteed that the government would redeem any amount of paper money for its value in gold, and it meant that transactions no longer had to be done with heavy gold bullion or coins because the paper currency had a guaranteed value tied to something real.

Russia to use digital ruble in settlements with China

Russia plans to use digital rouble in settlements with China, says lawmaker.
After launching a digital rouble early next year, Russia plans to use the currency in mutual settlements with China as it seeks to reduce Washington's global financial hegemony, a senior Russian lawmaker said on Monday.
Sources: reuters

Donald Trump hints the gold standard again

Donald Trump is trying to tell us something about the return to the gold standard, citing an interesting section from the Constitution.
He posted on his network an article of the Constitution that specifically talks about Gold & Silver Coin as legal tender.
Article I, Section 10, Clause 1:
"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit;
make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;
pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility."
Posted on T.S., February 26.

Dollar standard rejected in the era of gold

Peter Schiff said he thinks we are about to see a gold bull market rivaling the 1970s because the world is going to reject the dollar standard and go back to a gold standard.
Ray Dalio:Within the next five years you could see a situation in which foreigners who have been lending money to the United States wont want to, and the dollar would not be as readily accepted for making purchases in the world as it is now.,

Global Humanitarian Overview

The Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) 2020 published on 4 December 2019 announced funding requirements of $28.8 billion to assist 108.8 million of the 167.6 million people in need in 53 countries.

Federal Student Loan Payments Officially Suspended

President Trump signed an Executive Memorandum on August 8 related to student loan relief.
Secretary DeVos announced that she has fully implemented Mr. Trump's directive.

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