
Gold Standard on Kremlin Desk » News » Gold Standard on Kremlin Desk

News Date: April 29, 2022

Russian president Vladimir Putin is discussing the idea of pegging the Ruble to gold And Commodities.
If approved this would directly link Russia's currency to gold bullion for the first time in more than a century.
Linking the ruble to bullion could give Russia more "sovereignty" over its financial system.
However, the governor of Russia's central bank, Elvira Nabiullina, told reporters the idea was "not being discussed in any way".
Full article: Reuters

Yuan and ruble to replace dollar in Pakistan

Pakistan, among other nations, is brushing off the US dollar due to sanctions by making way for the Chinese yuan and Russian ruble.
The President of the Trade House of Pakistan Association Zahid Ali Khan said on Tuesday: replacing the US dollar with Russian rubles and Chinese yuan is a potential plan Pakistan is considering.
Sources: almayadeen

Kenya pushes for global financial reform tomorrow

President Ruto of Kenya will lead African presidents in advocating for global financial system reform at an upcoming meeting.
He aims to address the imbalance that favors wealthy nations, pushing for equitable resource distribution.
Ruto's focus includes reforming institutions like the World Bank to ensure African voices are heard.
This initiative underscores the need for a fairer and more inclusive international financial system, resonating beyond Africa's borders.

SWISSINDO cult claims return of $6m gold share for each of 7.6 billion people

SWISSINDO cult pretends NESARA GESARA law is hidden for 20 years, your $6 million equal gold share of SWISSINDO is stolen for 10 yrs.
The law is applied to the equal share of gold under international law to honor humanity with prosperity.

Transition to Greatness on RV. Great American Comeback!

Remember what RV stands for? RV = ReValuation(Global Currency Reset) or Recreational Vehicle.
Is this a pure coincidence?
Again? Everybody loves RVs suddenly.
In Vice President Mike Pence's visit to Winnebago Industries in Forest City on Tuesday afternoon, he wasn't shy about calling the RV manufacturer a crucial part of the "Great American Comeback".,

Russia, China switch to national currencies

Russia and China switch to settlements in national currencies for energy supplies.
Russia, China switch to national currencies in payments for gas, says a senior official.
Russia, China also actively switching to national currencies for payments of oil supplies, and products, says the deputy prime minister.

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