
Independent Financial System planned by Russia and the Islamic world » News » Independent Financial System planned by Russia and the Islamic world

News Date: May 22, 2023

Russia and the Islamic countries talk about the creation of an independent financial system and de-dollarization.
According to Alexey Overchuk, deputy prime minister of Russia, Russia is in conversation with countries in the Islamic world about current global changes, particularly the de-dollarization processes.
Alexey Overchuk mentioned the de-globalization processes, the shift of industrial output, the fall of Western investment in the Global South, and the concerns with energy and food security among other things on the agenda.
"Of course, our relations with Islamic countries are influenced by global shifts that are taking place and global trends.
We are talking about processes of de-dollarization and the creation of an independent financial system.", Overchuk stated, through a TASS report.

HSBC Trials Quantum-Secure Tech for Tokenized Gold

HSBC has announced a successful trial of quantum-secure technology for buying and selling tokenized physical gold, a significant step in safeguarding financial applications from future quantum computing threats.
HSBC was the first global bank to offer tokenized gold to institutional investors using distributed ledger technology (DLT) and later expanded this offering to retail investors in Hong Kong through the HSBC Gold Token.
The trial also demonstrated interoperability between gold tokens using post-quantum cryptography (PQC), enabling safe movement of digital assets across ledgers and the conversion of HSBC's tokens into ERC-20 fungible tokens for enhanced distribution.

Russian Gold-backed Stablecoin Confirmed

Russia Mulls Gold-backed Stablecoin, Lawmaker Confirms After Iran Visit.
Russia may issue a stablecoin backed by gold to use in international settlements, a high-ranking member of the Russian parliament has admitted.
The matter has been discussed during a recent visit to Iran where officials have also signaled interest in such an initiative.

Putin: Western banking system to end

Putin made some startling remarks addressing the VTB investment forum in Moscow on Thursday about the threat to the archaic financial system.
"The Western financial system is becoming outdated because of new technologies and could lose its dominant global position in the near future!
According to experts, in the coming years, this will lead to a revolution that will finally undermine the monopoly of large Western banks."
He also stated that these financial institutions are not in the best condition at this moment.

Gold is the future as inflation coming in hot

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell keeps telling us not to worry about rising prices, assuring us that any increase in price inflation is transitory. It appears most of the mainstream is buying this hook line and sinker.
The collapse of fiat currencies will demolish the state theory of money, and not for the first time. Irrespective of how long it takes, the rapid loss of fiat currencies purchasing power means that governments will no longer be able to finance their obligations. There will, therefore, come a point where fiat money must be abandoned in the search for monetary stability. The demise of fiat is the demise of state money and the function of its replacement will be to restore public trust.
The replacement money can only be based on something in governments possession. And either in their treasury departments or central banks, other than each others fiat they only possess gold in their monetary reserves.

The October 2020 Full Blue Moon, a higher consciousness

The October full blue moon also aligns with Mercury retrograde in Libra squaring Saturn in the sign of Capricorn. A multiplex of energies all aligned at once and hitting the earth in the light reflection of Uranus. (Moon conjunct Uranus)
Expect the unexpected know that there will be twists and turns upsetting the balance of your normal rhythm. A full Blue moon is the zenith of moon power throughout the year, be sure to create and let go of your magical energy for manifestation this blue moon. The perfect time to tune into your psychic energy in preparation for a higher consciousness power-boosting download.

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