
Jupiter and Uranus, very rare align in conjunction » News » Jupiter and Uranus, very rare align in conjunction

News Date: January 17, 2022

On April 20th of 2024, and in the days surrounding, Jupiter and Uranus will very rarely align in conjunction at 21 Taurus, a degree that governs national economies.
Symbolically speaking, Jupiter and Uranus together in this degree can represent a global collective of national economies along with an event or series of events that greatly benefits them all with strong revolutionary, collaborative and humanitarian themes being connected.

USA Is Going Back To The Bill Of Rights And The Constitution

Conclusions of the Report of the Commission on Unalienable Rights:
1. It is urgent to vigorously champion human rights in foreign policy.
2. The power of example is enormous.
3. Human rights are universal and indivisible.
4. The universality and indivisibility of human rights do not mean uniformity in bringing them to life.
5. A degree of pluralism in respecting human rights does not imply cultural relativism.
6. Nation-states have some leeway to base their human rights policy on their own distinctive national traditions.
7. Although human rights are interdependent and indivisible, certain distinctions among them are inherent in the Universal Declaration itself, as well as in the positive law of human rights that follows from the UDHR.
8. Freedom, democracy, and human rights are indissolubly linked.
9. Social and economic rights are essential to a comprehensive foreign policy.
10. New claims of rights must be carefully considered.
11. National sovereignty is vital to securing human rights.
12. The seedbeds of human rights must be cultivated.
Full report:

Judy Shelton Restoring Order to the Global Currency System

President Donald J. Trump Announced Intent to Nominate Individuals to Key Administration Posts,
Judy Shelton of Virginia, to be a Member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the remainder of a 14-year term expiring January 31, 2024.
She is author of:
The Coming Soviet Crash: Gorbachev's Desperate Pursuit of Credit in Western Financial Markets.
Money Meltdown: Restoring Order to the Global Currency System.
Judy Shelton interview on gold standard:
"I like the idea of a gold backed currency, it could even be done in a Cryptocurrency sort of way.
A unified money system, so when you talk about the international marketplace, everyone is playing on a level monetary playing field.
I don't see it so much as returning [to the gold standard], more like 'back to the future.' I think that what a gold standard stands for is monetary discipline for its own sake. Money is supposed to be a unit of account, a reliable measure and a dependable store of value. It really shouldn't be subject to who's the chairman of the Federal Reserve.
How can a dozen [...] people meeting eight times a year, decide what the cost of capital should be versus some kind of organically, market supply determined rate? The Fed is not omniscient. They don't know what the right rate should be. How could anyone? [...] If the success of capitalism depends on someone being smart enough to know what the rate should be on everything we're doomed. We might as well resurrect Gosplan.
A linked system could allow currency convertibility by individuals (as under a gold standard) or foreign central banks (as under Bretton Woods). Either way, it could redress inflationary pressures.

Central Banks lost control! Gold currency trust

Major central banks have totally lost control and the world economy is now floating around helplessly without direction.
Since sound money must be scarce, fiat money can never be sound since unlimited amounts can be and have been created. One of the very important features of gold is that it is scarce. The total global gold stock only increases by 1.7% or 3,000 tones per annum.
So scarcity is one of the important reasons why gold is the only currency that has survived in history.

What is the Gold Standard

Gold standard, monetary system in which the standard unit of currency is a fixed quantity of gold or is kept at the value of a fixed quantity of gold. The currency is freely convertible at home or abroad into a fixed amount of gold per unit of currency.
In an international gold-standard system, gold or a currency that is convertible into gold at a fixed price is used as a medium of international payments. Under such a system, exchange rates between countries are fixed; if exchange rates rise above or fall below the fixed mint rate by more than the cost of shipping gold from one country to another, large gold inflows or outflows occur until the rates return to the official level.
President Franklin Roosevelt suspended the gold standard in 1933, a move which is widely credited with helping the country climb out of the Depression.

Gold demand as a store of value

Central Banks Buying Gold Could Be Catalyst for $3,000 Gold Price.
They have been net buyers of the yellow metal since 2010.
In the first quarter of 2022, they bought gold again, 84 tonnes of it.
Gold Price Analysis: XAUUSD to be in demand as a store of value given record inflation.
Economists expect the yellow metal to remain resilient as Eurozone inflation is set to hit a new record.

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