
Mutual payment systems recognition for Russia and India » News » Mutual payment systems recognition for Russia and India

News Date: August 24, 2022

Indian banks may start accepting Mir payment cards.
Russia and India are planning to recognize each other's payment systems.
The issue of mutual recognition of RuPay and Mir was discussed during the recent visit of India's National Security Adviser Ajit Doval to Moscow.
Among other things, the possibility of active use of national currencies in bilateral trade was also considered.

Birth certificates and Sight Drafts myth

When the United States went off the gold standard in 1933, the federal government somehow went bankrupt.
With the help of the Federal Reserve Bank, the government converted the bodies of its citizens into capital value, supposedly by trading the birth certificates of U.S. citizens on the open market.
After following a complicated process of filing UCC documents with either the Secretary of State of the persons residence or another state that will accept the filings, each citizen is entitled to redeem his or her "value" by filling out a sight draft drawn on their (nonexistent) TreasuryDirect account.
The scheme asserts that each citizens Social Security Number is also his or her account number.
As a part of the scheme, participants also file false IRS Forms 8300 and Currency Transaction Reports in the name of law enforcement officials and other individuals they seek to harass.
Drawing such drafts on the U.S. Treasury is fraudulent and a violation of federal law. The theory behind their use is bogus and incomprehensible. The Justice Department is vigorously prosecuting these crimes. Federal criminal convictions have occurred in several cases.

Digital Yuan for Cross-Border payments launched

In Hong Kong, the Bank of China is leading the push for widespread cross-border usage of the digital yuan.
From experimental programs to cutting-edge applications, they have advanced.
One such application allows guests from the mainland to add more money to their Octopus cards using digital yuan.
In a different development, PetroChina successfully executed the first global trade of crude oil using e-CNY, the digital currency of the Chinese central bank, with the intention of extending its use worldwide.
As of June, transactions on China's highly advanced CBDC had totaled 1.8 trillion yuan.

Central banks gold reserves switch

The central banks are increasingly concerned about inflation, and the major ones start giving out signals that they won't let inflation run too hot, even if it means slower growth.
In commodities, the upside potential in gold is more than just a safe haven hedge, as the rising geopolitical tensions and the latest sanctions imposed on the Russian central bank will bring the central banks around the world to reconsider their FX holdings, and start shifting towards a nationless gold.

Quantum Banking System, quantum-grammar construct

Quantum-Banking system is the Declaration of Independence of the world, ending the Socialist Fiat debt system.
Russell-Jay Gould, Post-Master-General on Quantum-Grammar, Quantum-Banking:
Quantum-grammar essentially offers a mathematical way to write contracts in a proper and correct way which cannot be misunderstood, upholds integrity in contracting, and holds all parties duly accountable for whatever they promise to deliver. Unlike English, which is rife with confusion and carries contradictions and denials that most people know nothing about-prefixes like un and re for instance are negations-but which manipulative central bankers, moneyed bloodline families, and long lineages of moneylenders have operated to their secret advantage and to the detriment of the ignorant citizenry, quantum-grammar puts everything on the table in plain sight and precludes any kind of shoring up of advantage by anyone, while holding people to their word. Using quantum-grammar and proper ways to contract with each other and create the systems-banking, judicial, educational, communicational which will truly work for us.,

Russia Proposes SWIFT-like System for BRICS

Russia is advocating for BRICS countries to develop their own financial messaging system, similar to SWIFT, to reduce reliance on Western institutions and boost financial autonomy.
Deputy Chairman Alexander Babakov stated this system would allow secure, independent transactions via state-owned banks, support African development, and reduce neocolonial influences.
Integrating with national infrastructures and using advanced cybersecurity, the system would lower transaction costs, speed up capital turnover, and improve liquidity, benefiting international trade.
"The creation of a financial messaging system similar to SWIFT will help create a new economic reality for the BRICS countries," Babakov said.
Source: TASS.

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