
Russia China will lead the world to gold standard » News » Russia China will lead the world to gold standard

News Date: August 27, 2020

The process of fiat money collapse is currently underway and that gold, property and productive assets like manufacturing factories can be used to rebuild the economic system.
A combination of China and Russia would be the two countries that will lead us back to having a currency backed by precious metals.
China has multiples of what they report in gold reserves, that they probably got 20,000+ tons of gold reserves.
Russia is actually in a very-very good position: they have very low debt, they don't run large deficits, etc. They got a very large natural resource economy as well.
As a result, when the things come crashing down that the first two currencies that go to a gold backing are China and Russia.

State of the Union speech delayed to March

On the 20th January, Biden was scheduled to make his first State of the Union speech.
The speech has been delayed due to the current explosion of infections in the US, causing a breakdown in basic functions and services.
So, Joe Biden will give his first State of the Union address to Congress on March 1, the White House said.

Zimbabwe to issue more gold coins

Zimbabwe hails gold coin success and wants to issue more.
Gold coins used as currency in Zimbabwe will soon be available in smaller denominations, the central bank says.
Those higher-value gold coins are available to buy at approved banks and are tradeable locally.

Petition to Enact NESARA Now For All Of Humanity

Created by C.W. on May 24, 2020.
Nesara Law was passed in 2000.
Buried Away With 911.
We The People Of The Republic Of The United States of America Are Ready For Nesara Law To Be Enacted Immediately!
Sign the petition
This petition benefits everyone.Forgives debt due to illegal banking practices,abolishes I.R.S.,Returns constitutional law,Creates new US Treasury currency backed by gold,ceases war and declares worldwide peace,releases free energy devices,replicators,and sonic healing machines(med beds)already in use by the secret space program,increases benefits to senior citizens,abolishes income taxes,creates flat rate non-essential "new items only " sales tax revenue for government,eliminates federal reserve,retrains all judges and attorneys in constitutional law,releases prosperity and abundance packages for every living person on the planet,returns constitutional law to all courts and legal matters,releases enormous amounts of money for humanitarian projects.

Waller confirmed to Fed Board. WH supports Shelton

By a completely partisan vote of 48 to 47 (though Rand Paul voted against), The Senate confirmed Trump nominee Christopher Waller to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors - filling one of the two vacant slots on the influential economic body.
The White House remains confident that Ms. Shelton will be confirmed and is fully supportive of her candidacy, a White House spokesman said Thursday.
Her beliefs:
- eliminating the Feds independence and federal deposit insurance
- returning the U.S. to a gold standard

RippleNet Listed as Direct Alternative to SWIFT

RippleNet Listed as Direct Alternative to SWIFT by Arab Monetary Fund Group.
Arab Regional Fintech Group report, "Central Bank Digital Currencies: A Practical Guide for Arab Central Banks."
Mentions Ripple as an alternative system in two places.
The paper also specifically named Ripple XRP as a unique cryptocurrency insofar as it was one of the first "designed primarily for payments," in contrast to most crypto assets which were labeled as "speculative" stores of value.
Including a direct link to Ripple's "Future of CBDC" report, the advisory paper clearly sees Ripple as having a serious role to play in the future blockchain-based, global financial infrastructure.

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