
Iraq focuses on BRICS » News » Iraq focuses on BRICS

News Date: October 31, 2023

Iraqi MP Zeinab Al-Mousawi, a prominent member of the parliamentary Oil and Energy Committee, urged the government to make joining the BRICS group a top priority.
Mousawi stressed that this move would bring numerous economic benefits to Iraq, including expanded trade opportunities and enhanced economic independence.
Mousawi stated that BRICS members "are rich in oil, metals, rare minerals used in technological industries, and grains."
Iraq is blessed with abundant resources, including extensive oil reserves, fertile land for agriculture, natural gas, and minerals.
We want to be "Free of Washington's financial and trade restrictions," Mousawi summed it up to Amwaj Media.

Saudi Arabia to host China-Arab summit during Xi visit

Saudi Arabia plans to host a Chinese-Arab summit on Dec. 9 attended by Chinese President Xi Jinping during his visit to the kingdom, three Arab diplomats in the region familiar with the plans said on Wednesday.

The appeal of safe haven assets to increase

Escalating tensions in Israel often lead to investors seeking refuge in safe-haven assets.
This is because they closely monitor Middle East events for potential geopolitical risks that could impact financial markets.
These safe haven assets, like gold and government bonds, are considered low-risk and can provide a buffer against market volatility during uncertain times.
Institutional investors, such as hedge funds and central banks, also tend to diversify into these assets for risk management.
The impact goes beyond asset allocation, affecting market sentiment and volatility as investors react to developments in the region.
This underscores the interconnectedness of geopolitics and financial markets, prompting investors to adjust their strategies accordingly.

Israel signs security memorandum with Bahrain

Israel and Bahrain signed a historic memorandum on security cooperation.
Abraham Accords still paying dividends More countries should join!
This is Israel's second memorandum with an Arab nation.
Thanks to President Donald Trump for this initiative.

Russia to use digital ruble in settlements with China

Russia plans to use digital rouble in settlements with China, says lawmaker.
After launching a digital rouble early next year, Russia plans to use the currency in mutual settlements with China as it seeks to reduce Washington's global financial hegemony, a senior Russian lawmaker said on Monday.
Sources: reuters

Iran Joins Russia in BRICS Currency Initiative

Iran is collaborating with Russia in BRICS initiatives, including developing a single currency for the bloc, according to Iranian Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali.
He highlighted Iran's active role as a new BRICS member at the Russia-Islamic World: KazanForum.
"The creation of a new single currency within the framework of the association is what Russia and Iran are working on," the diplomat stated.

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