
All Joint Chiefs of Staff appointed by Trump still in position

Date: April 20, 2021 Category: News

Every current member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was appointed by Trump during his time in office.
Still here.
Not one has been removed in the new administration.
No additional commen...

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Gold is the future as inflation coming in hot

Date: April 16, 2021 Category: News

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell keeps telling us not to worry about rising prices, assuring us that any increase in price inflation is transitory. It appears most of the mainstream is buying th...

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Richard Grenell listed as president

Date: March 20, 2021 Category: News

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce the interim president of the United States of America!?
Richard Grenell: I will run up the stairs without tripping and then announce a plethora of Executive...

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White House is green. The endgame

Date: March 18, 2021 Category: News

St. Patrick was good. The white house is green. Know what I mean?
Is it GO TIME for the ENDGAME (last stage) and time for the traitors.
This is about Revelation. The Beast to be exposed! <...

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Dan Scavino tweets

Date: March 15, 2021 Category: News

Dan Scavino tweets and tweets from our Great Military. So many coincidences that it is just not mathematically possible. When we think of Biblical we think of an event of massive historic proportions....

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