
He did it! NESARA in Executive orders and bills » News » He did it! NESARA in Executive orders and bills

News Date: August 9, 2020

President Donald Trump's first executive order today provides a payroll tax holiday to Americans earning less than $100,000 per year.
The second executive order today protects Americans from eviction.
The third executive order provides for the continuation of expanded unemployment benefits.
The fourth directive today extends relief to student loan borrowers through the end of the year.
President Trump also signed two important bills for our veterans-expanding eligibility for veterans with blindness and requiring the VA to establish a treatment court program.

NESARA Dawn of the Golden Age

A video for all NESARA skeptics, A very long in-depth Explanation of NESARA, its history, and all the details you could need.
Part 1 - Dawn of the Golden Age - Discuses how Saint Germain helped bring about the beginnings of an enlightened era that soon fell into darkness under the helms of the Illuminati and a corrupted masonic order.
Part 2 - The American Federal Empire. America was always meant to be always a shining beacon of freedom and prosperity to the world. But the machinations of British bankers and the Rothschild's soon destroyed all that was once good in this great land.
Part 3 - The Farmer Claim Program - Discuses how a class-action lawsuit brought about in the early 1990's lead to the creation of NESARA, the National Economic Security and Reformation Act which will ultimately tear apart the New World Order and bankers plans right out from under their feet.

Developing the BRICS currency

BRICS Group Works On A New Form Of Currency, looking At Basing Financial Reserves On A Basket Of Their Own Currencies.
State Duma Deputy Chairman Alexander Babakov said Thursday the BRICS alliance is actively engaged in developing its own currency and is set to present its proposals at the upcoming summit in August.
Putin suggested a new global reserve currency backed by hard assets and BRICS countries accumulated a great amount of gold.

Russia to continue Mir bankcard expansion

Mir is a payment and money transfer system operated by the Russian National Payment Card System.
The Russian Mir payments system is expanding to other countries in 2022.
Russia's central bank on Friday pledged to keep expanding the number of countries that accept its Mir bank cards.

Atomic race joint statement

5 nuclear-weapon states vow no arms race in a joint statement.
China, Russia, Britain, The United States, and France have agreed that a further spread of nuclear arms and nuclear war should be avoided.
They have released a joint statement affirming their opposition to using their nuclear arsenals for offensive purposes.
They also promised to work together on nuclear disarmament.

China imports gold to revive an economy

China's net gold imports via Hong Kong jumped to a nine-month high in July, data showed on Thursday, with banks snapping up bullion as Beijing works to revive an economy.
Net imports stood at 48.773 tons in July, compared with 40.563 tons in June.
Total gold imports via Hong Kong were up nearly 23.7 percent to 53.91 tons.

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