
BRICS Alternatives to SWIFT » News » BRICS Alternatives to SWIFT

News Date: March 1, 2022

BRICS is the acronym denoting the emerging national economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
It is a growing eastern world alliance led by China.
In another effort to reduce their dependence on the US dollar, BRICS members have been building their own global payment infrastructures for international transactions that are independent of the US dollar and can serve as alternatives to SWIFT, the leading messaging network for financial transactions worldwide.
This allows BRICS members, especially those who are often subjects of US sanctions, to create their own rules for international banking and settlement. Moreover, by extending alternative financial infrastructure to other countries and regions, BRICS can create greater buy-in for their own system and increase their financial and political influence through this alternative system.
Some BRICS members have independently developed their own cross-border payment mechanisms in recent years.
Both Russia and China have launched their national alternatives to the SWIFT global banking network and introduced their systems to broader global markets. Source:

Basel IV Regulations Impact for Banking Industry

Basel IV Rules Will Arrive and Complicate Bank Lives Even Further.
New Banking Rules Will Tighten Credit Standards, according to Morgan Stanley.
According to Morgan Stanley analysts, the Fed will issue new bank capital regulations between late May and early July, which will be followed by a comment period and a final rule that will be implemented gradually between 2025 and 27.
For their US Large-Cap Banks coverage, they anticipate that the implementation of this Basel IV, often known as the 'Basel III Endgame,' will result in increased risk-weighted assets (RWAs) and capital requirements, with a focus on Global Systemically Important Banks (GSIBs).
The name 'Basel' comes from the city of Basel in Switzerland, where the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision was established in 1974.
The committee is made up of representatives from central banks and regulatory authorities from around the world, and its primary goal is to promote international financial stability by developing and promoting supervisory standards and guidelines for the banking industry.

Chinese, Russian payment systems consultations

Chinese and Russian central banks to discuss the use of national payment systems.
The Chinese and Russian central banks will discuss the use and promotion of their respective national payment systems in both countries, Beijing's envoy to Moscow told the TASS news agency in an interview published on Thursday.
Russian banks may issue cards with China as Visa, and Mastercard cut links.
The use of the Mir and China UnionPay national payment systems in both countries will be decided by the two sides' central banks at consultations.

The October 2020 Full Blue Moon, a higher consciousness

The October full blue moon also aligns with Mercury retrograde in Libra squaring Saturn in the sign of Capricorn. A multiplex of energies all aligned at once and hitting the earth in the light reflection of Uranus. (Moon conjunct Uranus)
Expect the unexpected know that there will be twists and turns upsetting the balance of your normal rhythm. A full Blue moon is the zenith of moon power throughout the year, be sure to create and let go of your magical energy for manifestation this blue moon. The perfect time to tune into your psychic energy in preparation for a higher consciousness power-boosting download.

Crop circles are models for generating free energy

One Italian inventor, Umberto Baudo, believes crop circles may be meant to impart secrets of new technology and free energy to humanity.

Trump Tower famous escalator Currency Exchange

5 years ago, on June 16th, 2015, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States Of America.
He came down the famous escalator along with Melania at Trump Tower!
This is a day to remember!
Look behind!!!
Is this just a coincidence?
Currency Exchange?
Gold walls?

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