
A new gold standard is coming » News » A new gold standard is coming

News Date: November 3, 2020

Excessive monetary stimulus, a by-product of an undisciplined fiat money system, will create problems for our economy as well as financial distortions, and the long-term solution is to move away from this system and re-adopt a gold standard.
There are a lot of financial bubbles, there are excessive debt levels, inequality is rising, you have got moral hazards, all these side effects of a fiat money standard are not really what we want, and eventually we get a lot of monetary instability and I think then at that point we have to get back to a gold standard.

President Trump Is Protecting Vulnerable Seniors

President Trump and his Administration are following a four-part strategy to provide additional protection to our most vulnerable seniors.
"We are deploying every tool, resource, and power at our disposal to protect our seniors and Americans of every age and background."
NESARA Section 5: Increases benefits to senior citizens.

BRICS Currency is imminent

Sergey Glazyev, a great Russian economist and politician, foresees the imminence of the planned BRICS common currency.
"The emergence of a new settlement currency is inevitable because the current international monetary situation is irrational," the Russian economist stated.
Not only that the international monetary situation is irrational, but also the fact that the political and military chaos generated sanctions and forced the eastern states to de-dollarize.

G-24 calls for debt relief for developing countries

The G-24, a group of 28 member countries including China, is strongly advocating for sustainable debt relief measures for low-income nations due to their concerns over escalating, unsustainable public debt burdens.
They conveyed this message during the 2023 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund on October 10.
The G-24's core mission is to coordinate and amplify the voices of developing countries on monetary and development issues, underscoring their commitment to global economic stability and the well-being of vulnerable nations.

Gold Standard Bill re-introduced

U.S. Congressman Introduces Gold Standard Bill as Inflation Spirals Out of Control.
Rep. Alex Mooney proposes the United States adopt a new gold standard after U.S. government officials first disclose all gold holdings and secret gold transactions, allowing the gold price to adjust to its fair market value.
Referred to as the 'Gold Standard Restoration Act' by sound money activists, H.R. 9157 calls for the repegging of the Federal Reserve note to gold in order to address the ongoing problems of inflation, runaway federal debt, and monetary system instability.
Alex Mooney also introduced H.R.5404 (2018), a bill to define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold.
Sources: ,

All Joint Chiefs of Staff appointed by Trump still in position

Every current member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was appointed by Trump during his time in office.
Still here.
Not one has been removed in the new administration.
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