
Gold standard the final solution globally » News » Gold standard the final solution globally

News Date: February 7, 2021

Precious metals have been a safe haven all throughout human history, and that is especially true during highly inflationary times.
If we continue destroying the U.S. dollar at our current pace, toilet paper will eventually be more valuable than U.S. dollars.
Gold Could Offer a Way out of Switzerland Failing Inflationist Experiment.
Switzerland could break with the globally pervasive regulations which suppress the potential of gold to develop fully as a nonstate money. Swiss banks, already expert at servicing gold deposit accounts for their clients, would get permission to establish a clearinghouse in Zurich for settling transactions between themselves in the yellow metal (in, say, kilogram gold bars deliverable in Switzerland), thereby facilitating direct payments in gold by their clients for goods or assets without having to pass through the US dollar.
The World Gold Council announced, on Sunday, that the central banks possession of gold increased.
It is noteworthy that the World Gold Council, which is headquartered in the United Kingdom, has extensive experience and deep knowledge of the factors causing market change and its members consist of the largest and most advanced gold mining companies in the world.

Gold revaluation to write off the debt

The more debt is being accumulated on the balance sheets of European central banks, the more likely they will revalue gold to write off this debt.
One possible solution is that central banks use unrealized gains of the gold on their balance sheet to write off sovereign bonds, providing debt relief to their governments.
Revaluing gold to write off bad debt would require central banks to set a floor price for gold.
If a central bank uses its revaluation account fully, the gold price ideally doesn't fall back or this central bank will incur unrealized losses.
As such, the central bank would need to stabilize the gold price, which is a form of a gold standard.

What is the Gold Standard

Gold standard, monetary system in which the standard unit of currency is a fixed quantity of gold or is kept at the value of a fixed quantity of gold. The currency is freely convertible at home or abroad into a fixed amount of gold per unit of currency.
In an international gold-standard system, gold or a currency that is convertible into gold at a fixed price is used as a medium of international payments. Under such a system, exchange rates between countries are fixed; if exchange rates rise above or fall below the fixed mint rate by more than the cost of shipping gold from one country to another, large gold inflows or outflows occur until the rates return to the official level.
President Franklin Roosevelt suspended the gold standard in 1933, a move which is widely credited with helping the country climb out of the Depression.

Trump nominee Judy Shelton to pass Senate next week

Judy Shelton, President Trumps nominee to the Federal Reserve, will receive a vote on the Senate floor next week and is expected to pass.
Her support appears enough to get Shelton through the Senate, where Republicans control 53 seats. Every Democrat is expected to vote against her.
Her beliefs:
> eliminating the Feds independence and federal deposit insurance
> returning the U.S. to a gold standard

Gold To Return As Reserve Currency

The global monetary system as you know it is already falling out from beneath your feet.
Smart investors should already be pouring money back into silver and gold before global monetary system collapse.
But now, experts like Peter Schiff, chief executive officer of Euro Pacific Capital, are betting on gold to topple the dollar’s long reign and establish itself as the new de facto reserve currency.

Ripple and SWIFT on one platform

IBIS announced that its customers will be able to connect to Ripple and SWIFT in their pockets, on one platform. In that sense, IBIS stated that its customers will have unlimited banking possibilities. SWIFFRoute customers will be able to process payments through RippleNet and an out of the box banking integration.

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