
Atomic race joint statement » News » Atomic race joint statement

News Date: January 3, 2022

5 nuclear-weapon states vow no arms race in a joint statement.
China, Russia, Britain, The United States, and France have agreed that a further spread of nuclear arms and nuclear war should be avoided.
They have released a joint statement affirming their opposition to using their nuclear arsenals for offensive purposes.
They also promised to work together on nuclear disarmament.

Space Force flag unveiled in Oval Office, presented to Trump

According to a senior administration official, the flag is derived from the Space Force's seal, which features a silver delta symbol surrounded by two constellations cast against the dark blue of outer space.

Debts forgiveness and peace at the Russia-Africa summit

Vladimir Putin hosted the Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg from July 27 to 28.
Putin: The total amount of debt of the African countries written off by Russia amounts to $23 billion dollars with another $90 million to be allocated for the same purposes.
Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, also stated on Friday that Moscow is closely analyzing suggestions made by several African leaders to put an end to the conflict in Ukraine.

Central banks gold reserves switch

The central banks are increasingly concerned about inflation, and the major ones start giving out signals that they won't let inflation run too hot, even if it means slower growth.
In commodities, the upside potential in gold is more than just a safe haven hedge, as the rising geopolitical tensions and the latest sanctions imposed on the Russian central bank will bring the central banks around the world to reconsider their FX holdings, and start shifting towards a nationless gold.

Supreme Court could hit the tax system

The Supreme Court's decision to hear a pivotal tax case has profound implications for the future of the U.S. tax system.
At stake is the constitutionality of a proposed wealth tax, which could address economic disparities or dismantle key aspects of the existing tax framework.
A favorable ruling may promote social equity, while an adverse outcome could preserve individual economic freedom.
The case underscores the delicate balance between economic growth and fairness, making it a crucial moment in the nation's fiscal history with far-reaching implications.
The Supreme Court is expected to issue a decision by June 2024.

Tesla BioHealing Beds

All living organisms have molecular cells have their own power plants that produce energy throughout its life called a nucleus. Every cell in every living organism holds the energy that it produces. As our bodies age these cells begin to lose their abilities to produce the same amount of power and many will begin to die. But what if you could recharge the power plants of your cells and give them new life to continue powering and repairing your body?,

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