
President Donald J. Trump is Establishing America's Space Force » News » President Donald J. Trump is Establishing America's Space Force

News Date: May 5, 2020

Our destiny, beyond the Earth, is not only a matter of national identity but a matter of national security. President Donald J. Trump's Space Policy Directive-4 is a bold, strategic step toward guaranteeing American space dominance that sets the framework for establishing the United States Space Force.

Banks in Big Trouble. Seismic events on the horizon

Banks are making desperate moves. Wells Fargo is shutting down all existing personal lines of credit in the coming weeks and no longer offers the product.
The role of commercial banks in the global economy is changing, with lending to governments and their agencies now more important than lending to goods and services industries. It is a trend which is due to continue.
The new Basel 3 regulations seem set to encourage this trend, despite retail depositors being accorded a stable funding status. Central bank digital currencies are anticipated to augment and perhaps replace non-financial business credit over the next five to ten years.
But the increasing financialisation of commercial banking brings the risk of tying its future firmly to a financial bubble. And with price inflation on the increase, it is only a matter of very little time before that bubble bursts.

Iran Joins Russia in BRICS Currency Initiative

Iran is collaborating with Russia in BRICS initiatives, including developing a single currency for the bloc, according to Iranian Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali.
He highlighted Iran's active role as a new BRICS member at the Russia-Islamic World: KazanForum.
"The creation of a new single currency within the framework of the association is what Russia and Iran are working on," the diplomat stated.

SWISSINDO cult claims return of $6m gold share for each of 7.6 billion people

SWISSINDO cult pretends NESARA GESARA law is hidden for 20 years, your $6 million equal gold share of SWISSINDO is stolen for 10 yrs.
The law is applied to the equal share of gold under international law to honor humanity with prosperity.

SCO to expand trade in national currencies

China-led SCO bloc agrees to expand trade in national currencies.
The leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) agreed on Friday to take steps to increase the use of national currencies in trade between their countries, according to a joint declaration adopted on Friday.

Joint Declaration of Support for Democratic Change in Venezuela

A swift and peaceful transition to democracy is the most effective and sustainable route to stability, recovery and prosperity in Venezuela. We remain committed to helping the Venezuelan people achieve a peaceful, prosperous and democratic future.

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