
Quantum computing to crack cryptocurrency in 8 years » News » Quantum computing to crack cryptocurrency in 8 years

News Date: July 25, 2020

Ripple CTO David Schwartz says quantum computing poses a serious threat to the future of cryptocurrency.
Schwartz says he thinks developers have at least eight years until the technology, which leverages the properties of quantum physics to perform fast calculations, becomes sophisticated enough to crack cryptocurrency.

Millions back to UK taxpayer

Graham Smith, the CEO of Republic, told that the Queen and Prince of Wales are two of the most expensive members of the Royal Family. Republic is an organisation that campaigns for the abolishment of the monarchy and for Queen Elizabeth II to be replaced by an independent, democratic Head of State.
Queen and Charles ordered to pay back millions to UK taxpayer amid fury over monarchy cost.

China Paves the Way for Debt Relief

China's central bank is pushing for fair burden-sharing among creditors in debt restructurings for emerging market countries, indicating a proactive stance on global debt issues.
China's recent move to write off undisclosed amounts of Zimbabwe's interest-free loans aligns with its commitment to assist African nations burdened by external debt.
Since 2000, China has made debt relief a norm, providing crucial support to sub-Saharan African countries without imposing strict conditions.
This approach could influence other lenders and boost investor confidence, ultimately attracting further financial support for debtor nations.
Read also: World Bank President:China needs to participate in debt relief

Zimbabwe is engaged to clear IFI debt

Zimbabwe is engaging with the World Bank and International Monetary Fund on how to clear its debts with international financial institutions, finance minister Mthuli Ncube said at an IMF press conference on Saturday.
Sources: reuters

The longest partial lunar eclipse of the century next week

The partial lunar eclipse will last three hours 28 minutes and 23 seconds. It is also the longest partial lunar eclipse for 580 years.
Everything you need to know about the longest partial lunar eclipse in 580 years:
The event will begin on November 19 at approximately 2.19 a.m. EST.
a) Everyone in North America will see it;
b) Don't miss the 'max red' moment;
c) Get up earlier to see 'Half Blood Moon';
d) It is the longest partial lunar eclipse this century;
e) The southern limb of the Moon won't turn red.

Dollar standard rejected in the era of gold

Peter Schiff said he thinks we are about to see a gold bull market rivaling the 1970s because the world is going to reject the dollar standard and go back to a gold standard.
Ray Dalio:Within the next five years you could see a situation in which foreigners who have been lending money to the United States wont want to, and the dollar would not be as readily accepted for making purchases in the world as it is now.,

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