
WH is launching Quantum Information Science official website » News » WH is launching Quantum Information Science official website

News Date: October 8, 2020

White House is launching, the official website of the National Quantum Initiative and Quantum Information Science.
Quantum Information Science (QIS) emerges from a deeper consideration of how quantum physics (our description of the world at the microscopic level) has implications for information science.
The National Quantum Initiative Act (NQI Act) was signed into law by President Trump on December 21, 2018 to accelerate quantum research and development for the economic and national security of the United States.

Trump predicts a market crash in the next 12 months

Former President Donald Trump anticipated a US economic crash and expressed a hope that it would happen within a year, prior to a potential second term in office, if he were to win the November election.
'When there's a crash, I hope it's going to be during this next 12 months because I don't want to be Herbert Hoover. The one president - I just don't want to be Herbert Hoover,' Trump stated in an interview Monday on Lindell TV.
In 1929, during Herbert Hoover's first year as president, the US stock market crashed, triggering the start of the Great Depression, leading to widespread economic hardship and unemployment across the nation.

Gold operates as money without states or bankers

Gold does not need the state or its bankers to operate as money, because individuals choose it as money on the market century after century. The solidi bear the names & faces of the 5 different emperors who issued them, Honorius was the last Roman emperor to rule Britain.
Everything in life eventually goes to zero.
Gold is one of the only elements in the universe that never dies.
Gold is universally recognized and adorned.
Gold is legacy wealth. Nothing else even competes.

Judy Shelton is Right About the Gold Standard

Economist Peter Schiff expected that gold will resume its role in the global monetary system, that is, the countries of the world will return to the gold standard, and this is not strange in light of the economic crisis the world is witnessing.
It is simply false to claim that the gold standard was a source of perpetual economic chaos, and that we are better off today without it. All things considered, the gold standard is "superior in some respects and no worse in others." Rather than a "barbarous relic," as John Maynard Keynes famously called it, the gold standard is an instrument for economic harmony and civilized commercial relations.,

Bank Of England: Cash Is Trash

Last week the U.K. Bank of England raised interest rates to 1.75%.
This was meant to seem butch, but frankly 1.75% interest rates is historically the equivalent of zippo. The market didn't care much.
The 1 yen coin used to be gold, it is now aluminum.
The yen never recovered from its periods of inflation, but Japan's economy did and huge wealth was created, so in the end in periods of inflation, cash is trash.

The Gold Standard Monetary Reset

Did Russia Intentionally Trigger A Monetary System Reset?
Russian central bank to restart buying gold from banks will pay fixed price from March 28.
Russia Central Bank Announces Ruble Bound to Gold! 5000 Rubles per Gram.
By pegging gold to the ruble, Russia has just wiped out the dollar's clout from the world markets.
Moscow Will Consider Bitcoin, Gold, and Ruble Payments for Natural Gas.
Lavrov pushes for more active Russia-India-China cooperation, calls it 'Troika'.
Iran wants to trade with Russia in national currencies.
Lavrov: Russia, China Moving Towards Multipolar 'Fair World Order'.

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