
Fiat destruction. Crypto or gold? » News » Fiat destruction. Crypto or gold?

News Date: December 26, 2020

The world stands on the threshold of monetary hyperinflation with the US dollar leading the way. The final months of fiat money are coming into view.
The final solution is bound to be with central banks and government treasury departments retaining their control as issuers of money by the only means at their disposal: deploying their gold reserves to back their currencies, not as fiat, but as credible gold substitutes.
The crypto cohort is likely to have an important effect, in that it sparks an early realization in a growing part of the wider population about what government is doing with money. That is likely to speed up the collapse of fiat currencies compared to what would otherwise occur.
The flexibility in the supply of monetary gold and the stability of prices allows the original rate of interest to be both low and stable. It allows entrepreneurs to do business calculations with a high degree of certainty, knowing in terms of goods the value of money. And savers, who provide the monetary capital for future production can be confident of the future capital value of their savings when lending them for business investment purposes.

The cyber-war for GESARA

Cyber-attacks were expected for the next two months as the Alliance continued to dismantle financial systems and bring in the Global Currency Reset.
State of Emergency has been declared in at least 17 states in US. This is a direct message from Q to get ready. It is a military operation.
The financial system is based on fraud. Set up to steal from us. It takes the money we work hard to earn and gives it to a tiny group of individuals. With the infinite supply of money, we have allowed them to buy influence.
The good guys who are with us are applying pressure on this financial system to end it once and 4 all. And it's happening now. The banks don't have any money, the Federal Reserve no longer exists, the bad guys are panicking and fighting back in many ways including cyberattacks.

FED Audit. HR24 - Federal Reserve Transparency Act

U.S. Representative Thomas Massie vows to reintroduce HR24 to audit the FED along with 40 original cosponsors, as soon as he is sworn in.
The FEDs have never ever been audited. Now that the Feds are under the control of the Treasury, this could easily happen!
If this audit does happen this will be such a huge step leading to the GCR/ Gold Standard!

New Defense Secretary on quick removal of US troops in Afghanistan

New acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller has hired a senior adviser that has frequently pressed for the quick removal of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, the Defense Department confirmed on Wednesday.

Huge call for debt relief at COP28

Update: Along with the World Bank, the UK, France, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), European Investment Bank (EIB), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and African Development Bank (AfDB) are expanding debt clauses (CRDCs) in their lending to enable debt service to be paused when countries are hit by disasters.
Update: World Bank President Ajay Banga announced on Friday (Dec 1) that the development lender will prolong debt repayment pauses in the wake of climate disasters.
Over 550 economists and experts, alongside nearly 300 global organizations, called for debt cancellation at COP28.
African leaders are advocating for debt relief amidst crises, with Ethiopia securing a $1.5 billion debt relief agreement recently.
The COP28 World Climate Action Summit in Dubai, UAE, on December 1-2, 2023, gathers global leaders, experts, and stakeholders to address pressing climate challenges.

BRICS tested Hack-proof quantum communication link

China and Russia collaborated on a groundbreaking test for a hack-proof quantum communication link using the Mozi satellite.
This achievement, based on quantum mechanics principles, promises secure data transmission.
A quantum researcher emphasized its crucial role in technological leadership, stating that without quantum technology, success may be unattainable.
This test marks a significant leap in secure information exchange, crucial for BRICS countries and global security.

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