
Rupee-Riyal trade, UPI payment system » News » Rupee-Riyal trade, UPI payment system

News Date: September 19, 2022

India, Saudi Arabia discuss Rupee-Riyal trade, UPI payment system.
India and Saudi Arabia have discussed the possibility of starting a rupee-riyal trade as part of efforts to boost economic ties between the nations, the Indian government said in a statement on Monday.
Sources: indiatimes

A Monetary System as Good as Gold

The gold standard provides a better anchor for inflation expectations without an obvious cost in terms of lower output or higher unemployment.
The gold standard isn't perfect. No system is. But it has many virtues. A strong case can be made that it's the best of all feasible institutional alternatives. Lawrence White, puts it: The gold standard is still the gold standard among monetary systems.

Global Humanitarian Overview

The Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) 2020 published on 4 December 2019 announced funding requirements of $28.8 billion to assist 108.8 million of the 167.6 million people in need in 53 countries.

Black Swan recent Event

September 5, 2021: A black swan appeared on Tiananmen Square. Which In Chinese Culture Is A Foreshadowing Of Disastrous Events.
The incident triggered heated discussions, as Chinese leader Xi Jinping mentioned a black swan earlier this year.
On August 17th Palantir purchased gold bars as a hedge against a black swan event.
Also, Sunday 5 September: 150th Anniversary of the 1871 Act Of England. Check out Chapter 11 Washington D.C filing for Bankruptcy. Everything from 1871 is branded Illegitimate/ Illegal.

BRICS expansion to a global community of security

Xi calls on BRICS countries to build global community of security for all.
Xi made the remarks while delivering a video address at the opening session of the BRICS Foreign Ministers' Meeting.
China proposes to start the BRICS expansion process, explore the criteria and procedures for the expansion, and gradually form a consensus.

ISO 20022 implementation for Fedwire Funds Service

The FederalReserve Board of Governors is seeking industry feedback by December 11 on a revised plan to implement ISO 20022 message format for the Fedwire Funds Service.
Recently, the Federal Reserve Banks announced the message specifications for the FedNow Service. While both the Fedwire Funds Service and the FedNow Service plan to use ISO 20022 messages, the implementations of the ISO 20022 standard for these services are separate initiatives.

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