
India Is Mulling Rupee-Ruble Payments System » News » India Is Mulling Rupee-Ruble Payments System

News Date: March 12, 2022

India is discussing how to set up a rupee-ruble payment mechanism to enable it to trade with Russia, to circumvent the U.S. sanctions regime.
During the last several months, several considerations have prompted the Modi government to rethink the wisdom of putting all its eggs in the U.S. basket.
Instead, India is returning to a more balanced approach, assessing its national interests vis-a-vis those of other countries and acting accordingly.
To Be Non-Aligned on Russia Policy Implies India Finding Trade Workaround.

The Gold Standard Monetary Reset

Did Russia Intentionally Trigger A Monetary System Reset?
Russian central bank to restart buying gold from banks will pay fixed price from March 28.
Russia Central Bank Announces Ruble Bound to Gold! 5000 Rubles per Gram.
By pegging gold to the ruble, Russia has just wiped out the dollar's clout from the world markets.
Moscow Will Consider Bitcoin, Gold, and Ruble Payments for Natural Gas.
Lavrov pushes for more active Russia-India-China cooperation, calls it 'Troika'.
Iran wants to trade with Russia in national currencies.
Lavrov: Russia, China Moving Towards Multipolar 'Fair World Order'.

CBI resumes sale of gold coins and bars

The Central Bank of Iraq has announced its decision to resume the sale of bullion and gold coins through an electronic platform, starting immediately.
Government and private banks can now participate in buying these assets through the dedicated electronic platform, subject to the Central Bank's guidelines and controls.
This move is set to modernize and streamline the precious metals market in Iraq, making it more accessible and transparent for all parties involved.

Judy Shelton is Right About the Gold Standard

Economist Peter Schiff expected that gold will resume its role in the global monetary system, that is, the countries of the world will return to the gold standard, and this is not strange in light of the economic crisis the world is witnessing.
It is simply false to claim that the gold standard was a source of perpetual economic chaos, and that we are better off today without it. All things considered, the gold standard is "superior in some respects and no worse in others." Rather than a "barbarous relic," as John Maynard Keynes famously called it, the gold standard is an instrument for economic harmony and civilized commercial relations.,

Panic! Donald Trump retweeted the Kraken description

Lin Wood, the attorney of Donald Trump, tweeted On November 24 the post of The Marshall Report, describing what is the Kraken.
Shortly President Donald Trump retweeted this post.
In our previous post, you can find the whole article related to Kraken.
Kraken is a Department of Defense-run cyber warfare program.

Huge call for debt relief at COP28

Update: Along with the World Bank, the UK, France, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), European Investment Bank (EIB), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and African Development Bank (AfDB) are expanding debt clauses (CRDCs) in their lending to enable debt service to be paused when countries are hit by disasters.
Update: World Bank President Ajay Banga announced on Friday (Dec 1) that the development lender will prolong debt repayment pauses in the wake of climate disasters.
Over 550 economists and experts, alongside nearly 300 global organizations, called for debt cancellation at COP28.
African leaders are advocating for debt relief amidst crises, with Ethiopia securing a $1.5 billion debt relief agreement recently.
The COP28 World Climate Action Summit in Dubai, UAE, on December 1-2, 2023, gathers global leaders, experts, and stakeholders to address pressing climate challenges.

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