
Russian Gold-backed Stablecoin Confirmed » » Russian Gold-backed Stablecoin Confirmed

Date: January 27, 2023

Russia Mulls Gold-backed Stablecoin, Lawmaker Confirms After Iran Visit.
Russia may issue a stablecoin backed by gold to use in international settlements, a high-ranking member of the Russian parliament has admitted.
The matter has been discussed during a recent visit to Iran where officials have also signaled interest in such an initiative.

Petition at W.H. to help the Germans to free from Merkel

Petition created at White House to help the German people to free themselves from Angela Merkel and her shadow government.
Created by B.H. on July 04, 2020.
Angela Merkel (born Aniela Dorota Kazmierczak, then "Germanized" in Angela Dorothea Kasner) has been the German Chancellor since 2005 and is presumably a DEEP STATE Puppet and is probably bought and manipulated by George Soros.

Russia calls on BRICS for economic integration

Russia calls on BRICS countries for tighter economic integration:
the use of BRICS currencies for export-import,
the integration of payment systems and cards,
their own financial messaging system,
and the creation of an independent BRICS rating agency,
according to Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

US Mint increases prices on silver products

The United States Mint recently adopted a new strategy for pricing products in its silver numismatic products portfolio. Prices for products containing silver will change EFFECTIVE October 13, 2020-applicable to silver products already on sale/those yet to be released.
In order for the United States Mint to cover rising costs, meet its fiduciary responsibility to operate at no net cost to taxpayers, and return money to the Treasury General Fund, re-setting silver prices is necessary.
The Mints goal, as a financially responsible Federal agency, is to always provide the best quality numismatic products while maintaining fair prices.
The first objective is to ensure that the numismatic portfolio (all product lines together) be self-sufficient and cover all associated costs. The new silver prices reflect a sound business decision aimed at meeting these obligations.
(No tax dollars are used to fund numismatic operations.) The United States Mint will continue to look for operations optimization and cost reduction efforts to deliver superior quality numismatic products at a fair price.,,

The return of Pluto, US spiritual makeover

Numerology fans, especially those who believe in angel numbers, will know the date in question as it happens on February 22, 2022.
Astrologically, a Pluto return is when the heavenly body returns to the same position in a birth chart where it was when the chart began.
It happens around every 248 years, meaning this is the Pluto return in the United States since the country was founded in 1776.
Pluto will complete a full revolution for the first time since July 4, 1776.
What does the return of Pluto mean? Returning Power Back To the People.
According to the stars, the United States is finally getting a spiritual makeover with its first-ever Pluto Return on Feb. 22, 2022.
It happens around every 248 years, meaning this is the Pluto return in the United States since the country was founded in 1776.

Global Peace, Security, and Prosperity Proposals at SCO

At the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) meeting, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed several initiatives to strengthen regional cooperation:
Solidarity and Mutual Trust: Emphasizing the importance of unity within the SCO.
Peace and Tranquility: Advocating for collective security among all countries.
Prosperity and Development: Promoting regional collaboration through agricultural technology, local economic trade, and environmental innovation. Encouraging the use of China's Beidou Satellite Navigation System and participation in the International Lunar Research Station. Offering digital technology training.
Good-Neighborliness and Friendship: Hosting 1,000 young people from SCO countries in China over the next five years for exchange opportunities.
Fairness and Justice: Supporting a multipolar world and inclusive economic globalization. The SCO should contribute to addressing global deficits in peace, development, security, and governance.
President Xi emphasized that the SCO's success is due to its solidarity and cooperation, and China, as the next president, will continue to work with SCO partners to pursue common progress and a shared future for mankind.

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